Monday, September 25, 2017

Walk and Fund raiser for ill child well suported.

I am not on the fund raising committe for the fund raisers.As far as I can see the GAA Club is fully behind it but it is GAA friends of Swiss and his wife's sisters who are driving it rather than the GAA Club as such.
In any event I spent a few hours on Saturday last watching the people who participated in the walk/run as they passed through Dunderry.
I wqould guess that about 500 people ,men,women and children participated.Many of these were not from the Parish ,fair dues to them.
They came on all forms and shapes.Ispotted Trevor Giles among them looking as fit as ever.Swiss himself participated.
A lovely Bird --her married name---from Rathcairn pushed her child around the course.
This most compassionate of nurses nursed me during my stroke in Navan Hospital 8 years ago AND I CANNOT PRAISE HER ENOUGH.
It was particularly pleasing to see the number of men and women pushing prams around the course.
Afterwards a concert and auction was held in Rathcairn Hall.
It was well attended too and the Auction was well supported.
Thus far a raffle has been held in Kilbride school ,a non uniform day in Dunderry School,a fully subscribed   raffle in  KILMACUD CROKES AT THE all Ireland Club sevens ,the walk ,a draw,the reception in Rathcairn and the AUCTION ,ALL OF WHICH HAVE BEEN VERY SUCCESSFUL.
Just shows how decent people are when the cause is right and the organisers are trusted.
I hope and pray that the fiunds raised help the misfortunate young chap in the coming times.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Disrespect for Ameican National Anthem is appalling.

I have always had difficulty spelling the word "appalling".
Of my grandfather's 11 siblings 8 emigrated to the USA between 1880 and 1920.Only one ever returned in the 1970's for a weeks holidays when he himself was in his seventies.He was a retired firefighter in Chicago.
I am grateful for the chance that the USA gave my ancestors and would never disrespect the Anthem of that Nation irrespective of whether Republicans or Democrats ruled the Country.
Three of my granduncles ,Mallons from Bohermeen,brothers of my granny fought with the IRA against the British Empie in the War of Independence in  and my grandparent's house was a safe house .
I don't know what their politics were after the end of that war but suspect that Fianna Fail was favoured.
Even though Michael Collins was one oif ,if not the most effective guerrilla fighters ,ever to take up the cudgels against a colonizing power anywhere in the world and struck fear into the Empire with well marshalled and brilliantly executed assassinations and such like at the time and became an icon for Fine Gael right up to the present I don't think that they were ever Fine Gael men .
In ant event every Irish man and woman I matter what their political allegiance ,gives full respect to our National Anthem "Amhran na Fiann"irrespective of which Party or combination thereof is in power.
In other words respect for our flag and Anthem supersedes political allegiance.
We see now that certain well healed sportsmen and entainers think so little of the National Anthem of the country that suckled them and gave them and continues to give them such mind boggling incomes that they deliberately chose the insult and belittle the flag and Anthem of the Nation that gave such marvellous opportunity.
Do they not know that millions are just risking life and limb to get into a Country of such opportunity and must,as far as I know swear allegiance to the flag and Anthem of the USA BEFORE GETTING FORMAL ADMISSION TO FULL CITIZENSHIP.
Yet these ungrateful yobbos  chose to piss on the Country that is so good to them.
I am not surprised by this as the Democrats and certain beaten Republican contenders and many media concerns are unable to take their beating by Trump in the Presidential race and are stirring up hatred against him and his supporters at every hand's turn.
This combination of seditious forces are doing more to belittle the USA than all the combined enemies of the States put together.
There must be some law to bring these ingrates to account and if there is it should be immediately applied.
If not these people ought have the courage of their convictions and get out of a country they so despise,that is if any other Country would take them.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Michaels 1-10.Dunderry 0-11.IFC.

We died with our boots on sadly.No complaints.Our luck just ran out.Fuller report later if I am up to it.

Hail Jesus in Sport.

I note in passing that Cork Senior Camogie Team had a Team Mass before the Final.They won.
I note that Westmeath Junior Camogie Team climbed Croack Patrick two weeks ago.They won.
I read that the Waterford Senior Manager announced before the Senior Hurling Final that he is not A BELIEVER in Catholicism but would never the less would be saying a few prayers in the off chance before the game.They lost.
There is a message here.

Friday, September 8, 2017

The smal ball game around Dunderry,

Well there are positives and negatives.
On the negative side we gave a walkover to Kiltale in the Senior Hurling Championship recently.We were unable to field a team.This is not good and is a first for Dunderry in any Senior competition as far as I know.
On the positive side Jamie Leavy,the son of Tommy--Timber--Leavy captained Meath Minor Hurling Team to the Minor B hurling Championship.
For the benefit of those who don't know Jamie is the grandson of Paddy Kavanagh ,former Club Secretary ,Intermediate Football Championship winner with Dunderry and Bohermeen and  REFEREE OF  football All Ireland.He is overjoyed.
The ladies too are coming good and Aoife Minogue will be playing for Meath in the Intermediate Camogie Final against Cork this coming Sunday in Croker.
Two busses will be leaving Dunderry to attend.
As President of the Camogie Club  I couldn't be prouder.
I understand that Claire Coffey from Baconstown .whose mother is Aggie Commons from Betaghstown  of our Prish is Captain.Her father Matt is a good friend.
Following on from some unpleasantness against my own Daughter Mags some years ago she now plies her Camogie trade with O Mahony's and they will be playing Dunderry in theIntermediate Club semi final shortly.
Should be interesting.
Her DAUGHTER is a Dunderry player.
As are a few cousins.
All in a day's sport.

Some tangible help for Swiss and Eadeen.

I probably have spelt the name of Damien's wife wrong.It does not really matter.What does matter is that they are in a place that anyone of us would not wish to be,but have to keep it together for the sake of their sick child.May God help them.
I have it on the best authority that some of their friends are putting their heads together to organise a solidarity fund to help them out.
When more particulars are to hand I will let ye know.