Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Godless Secular Ireland learned nothing in 200 years.

Punish the needy and reward the greedy.Jail those who can't pay their debts (the poor)and use the full sanctions of the law to protect the greedy and those who have power and money,especially those who use usury as a means of making a living.
If the poor want some element of peace bring up the shite about "moral Hazard"and if they want debt forgiveness for debts they cannot ever ever pay up brand them "chancers ,authorise the invasion of their houses by Revenue Officials to really make them feel inferior and show who is boss.
Anyone who makes a living by renting accommodation to those the Government have failed to accommodate and who borrowed to buy those houses and can't repay are to be thrown to the wolves and  a largely female cadre of journalists and bankers have their eyes out on stalks screeching to have them evicted.Sure they are nothing only scum.Feck them and their families.

Incarcerated in Trim Jail in 1821 for non payment of debt were :-
Graham Read             Farmer
Michael Mulvaney     Baker
Christopher Brien      Farmer
James Cully               Farmer
William Connelly      Farmer
Miles Carroll              Labourer
Catherine Flinn           Farmer and Widow
Stephen Carolan         Laborour
Matthew Wynne was confined for stealing fowl.

Fast forward to 2011.

Because they could not pay fines imposed by the Courts 7,500 people were imprisoned.
A bankrupted man,Sean Quinn is in jail because he cannot pay his debts.He may be there technically because he is in contempt of court.But he would not even be in Court were he able to pay his alleged debts.There areprobably  more like him.
Not only do the our financial institutions want people who owe them money shamed and humiliated by  bankrupting them ,they want them bankrupted here so as to drag the process out to 12 years instead of  3 as in most civilised countries.In 1821 terms they want them hung.drawn and quartered as compared to hung only.
And to these people the Government want to give a right of veto in the proposed Bankruptcy legislation.
But this disdain for ordinary people is viral in Government circles.Guess who said if you can afford Sky you can afford to pay the household tax?Would this man earn over E400.00 per day?Will a proposed bankrupt have his mouth searched for gold teeth .
Will the Revenue brief be to establish whether you have Sky when they invade your house?Will they search under your bed to see if you have any cash after you close down your bank account to stop them seizing your w\ages.
Will you have any wages  left after they snatch from your employer  whatever charges you owe ,which have nothing to do with your earnings, but for which your means of  sustenance can be attacked.
Now that Australia and the EU have dived to the nadir of sick taste and openly advertise the most sickening ,repulsive and obscene images of advanced medical disease on cigarettes packets, will there be an attempt to say it is OK to do this for cigarette smoking which may threaten life but not o.k. to do it for abortion which definitely and irrevocably destroys human life ?
And by the way it was kosher for strident feminist and pro choice journalists and politicians to repeatedly orally attack Catholicism and their leaders(elderly men in dresses etc) and it is not o.k to orally attack politicians on policy.
Progress me arse.

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