Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Immoral Medics contemptible

Just a few short months ago the masters of the Maternity Hospitals lectured us all an the ethics of abortion.Those who favour it left those opposed in no doubt that they regarded them as idiots.I thought to myself at the time that some of these people were so dismissive of other similarly qualified medics of opposing views that an unborn baby, who has no voice at all in the world of the womb raiders, would have no chance  of putting his case even if anyone was interested in taking up the cudgels on his behalf.
Abortion ,in the instance where there is no immediate threat to the life of the mother is largely a matter of morality and ethics.
The recent disclosure that some of these people are taking top up payments on top of their well paid salaries (these top up payments alone are many times the Welfare payment that many unfortunate unemployed people receive) reveals yet again the contempt that these people hold for those less fortunate than themselves.
The untrammeled greed they display in these austere times when many decent and less well off people are facing the emigrant boat at best and eviction,illness and suicide  at worst, displays a total lack of morality and contempt for others and a total absence of community  solidarity.
Given their total lack of judgement  and outrageous greed in such a basic  arena as a maternity hospital totally disqualifies them from  attempting to pronounce on such a moral and ethic subject  as the deliberate taking of life in any meaningful way.
Put another way.;if they are so greedy and morally deficient in  this area they have no right to lecture anyone else on matters affecting life and death.
I recently saw that these masters of the universe will force pregnant smokers who are incarcerated in their hospitals to decamp to the streets for a smoke and one at least will enforce a policy of zero tolerance.
Surely these people ,now that the financial cat is out of the bag ,will have the moral conviction to do the decent thing and resign.
And surely a Minister,under whose watch  the general public are in dread of going to hospitals for fear of infection ,will treat his colleagues as severely as he treats mature smokers who he is so clearly persecuting.
But no and don't hold your breath.The contempt will live on.And the masters of the universe,where greed is most definitely not limited by gender,will continue to lecture and bully and dictate.

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