Thursday, March 12, 2015

The 39A Bus

I lived in Hunts town Lawn off the Shileeren Road (It joins Mulhuddart to Clonsilla ) from the early ninety seventies until 1986.I had many good times there and the odd scary time too,about which more anon.
Anyhow my time there coincided with the development of several Council Estates and the start up of brand new communities in the area.
For much of the time I lived there I commuted to work by public transport,usually on the 39a bus if memory serves me properly.
The bus used wend its way through all the estates in the area before heading through Blanchardstown and Castleknock via Ashtown and down the Navan Road into the city centre.
After a while you got to know the regulars and you could discern a largish number of youngish mothers who daily boarded the bus in the Council Estates,dressed in their Sunday best (more Pennies than Pravda ) and exited from Myos to the Park gates in Castleknock.
From overheard conversations and general observation it became clear that they were employed by various well heeled Castleknock residents as pot wallopers ,child minders,cleaners and general factotums by professional ladies who powered dressed ,(more Pravda than Pennies),and made their way to the City to further their careers ,while their children were reared and their houses tended for by the ladies dropped from the 39 A.
It was more often than not the case that the Council ladies had their own children minded by their grannies and their houses tended by themselves when they returned from Castleknock in the evenings.
No doubt the few bob they earned helped out greatly with their own family budgets,but were nowhere near the vastly superior sums earned by their posher Pravda sisters.
For years I was the key holder for Saint Brigid's GAA Club and was often called on by the Gardai to open the Clubhouse during the night to see what had caused the alarm to go off, usually a break in and robbery of drink and fags.
I couldn't help but notice that calls relating to domestic violence used come over the garda intecom and that they addressees given were rarely the Council estates but nearly always  the posher areas.This amazed me as I expected the opposite,but there you go.
As regards health facilities ,life expectancy and material comfort the Castleknock area far surpasses the Mulhuddart and surrounding areas.It's fair to say that there is a fierce contrast in a few miles of road.
And then we come to the political representatives.Until Kerry man Joe Higgins appeared on the scene I cannot recall anyone from the Blanch side of the High Bridge running for,never mind succeeding to the Dail..
In fact Patrick Nulty is the only native I can recall getting there,if only for a short time.
It has struck me that none of the present representatives represent the reasonable views of the majority of the electors in the constituency in that all seem actively hostile to the Christian view of life,being either card carrying proponents of abortion or actively hostile to religion of any form.
And yet it is these very people who will shape the type of Ireland by passing legislation that suits themselves and not the vast majority of their constituent ,if the last census on religious belief is vaguely true.
For these reasons and to give the real locals a chance to have a genuine Blanch Representative I have been approached  to run in the next election as an Independent and am strongly considering remounting the 39 Bus.

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