Friday, January 1, 2016

Sunday Independent.A total rag.

Two weeks ago I momentarily forgot just why I had years ago ceased buying and reading the Sunday Independent and made the gross and inexcusable once off mistake of buying it just the once..After reading a scurrilous article by a being  called Carol Hunt the reasons came flooding back.
She wrote an article demonising the life's work of Nobel Prize winner Mother Teresa who has been nominated for Sainthood.
Firstly let me state that this was cowardly journalism in its most invidious  form in that this insufferable wagon knows full well the first rule of knavish journalism is that you can spread whatever lies that you wish about the dead because they are not alive to defend their good name.
Secondly this anti Catholic bigot thinks it kosher to belittle the beliefs of Catholics by besmirching the Status of Sainthood which as even a smidgen of research would reveal Sainthood is held sacred to us who practise Catholicism.At the very least it is disrespectful and at its worst is bigotry of the worst sort ,far worse than that practised by that French Satirical Magazine which has put world peace at risk.
Maybe she thinks she is being clever and cool in asserting that Mother Teresa took pleasure in the suffering of the poor and that She subjugated them to such suffering for her pleasure.
Of course she can make such false allegations in the sure knowledge that Catholics will not place a fatwa on her,unlike Muslims who might.
Such a cowardly journalist would not repeat in print ,nor would her Rag publish such damning and hateful rubbish, about any Muslim prophet nor religious icon.Guess why.
Satan himself could have found it difficult to more effectively demonise such a Holy Woman and Saint as the pro abortion Carol Hunt has done and therein may lie a clue for her hateful vindictiveness towards Catholicism and Saint Teresa.
In my very simple take on Catholicism there are good and evil.There are God and the Devil.Obey God's laws and after death you will have eternal happiness in HEAVEN in the company of the Saints and the good people.
Deliberately disobey God's laws and you will enter the realm of Hell from which there is no escape.
Do the Devil's work in this life by calumnising  God's Saints and you will serve Satan for eternity in the next life.
It may be that in Satan's realm in the afterlife that Carol Hunt will be renamed Mike Hunt  (SAY IT QUICK) and when Satan calls her from the ranks of the damned ,she will scurry on all fours to serve him in the capacity that best suits her.

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