Wednesday, December 1, 2021

In loco Parentis

It was fully accepted in this Country that when children were sent to School that the reason was that the parents were unable to educate them themselves and that the teachers did so in the place of the parents-In loco parentis. A

I AM 70.People my age and older and down to I  would say 50 were brutalised ,assaulted in class and hammered for no reason by at least one teacher and probably more.

It is sad but true that the poorer kids got hammered more than the rich kids.

It took the State and the teaching profession at least 50 years to become civilised and stop the barbaric assaulting of innocent children but instances still exist where rogue teachers continue to bully kids .

Teachers are generally O.k and have the hard earned respect of parents.

Trillions  have been spent educating researchers professors and assorted medics on all aspects of medical research.

As far as I  can see they have failed miserably to provide an antidote to Covid and its derivatives.Not a word of apology from them in this regard.They continue to point the finger at people for being born effevtively and for being stupid.

Having assured us repeatedly the schools were super safe places for kids to attend they have now totally reversed policy and are blaming kids for its spread.

Picking on kids is easy.The politicos think nothing of kids in reality.They are killing pre born kids every day of the week---they call it abortion.It is not a big step to advance from pre born to born,just time.

Look at the demons who introduced abortion and worse again at the doctors who carry it out.It would serve them better to cherish life,not terminate it.

I for one am not surprised that this Government and its medical advisers are going to permanently traumitise thousands of school kids by forcing them to wear maskes and drive a wedge between teachers who have to police the wearing of masks.

This is a Government at war with its citizens and thinks nothing of breaking the bedrock of trust between teachers and parents and is prepared to refuse education to children whose parents whose wishes do not coincide with the Stares dictates on wearing masks in schools.

The modern day equivalent of beating the shite out of them just a few c short years ago,only worse,denying them an education.

And the sad thing is that the Opposition is even worse.


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