Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fir Breaga Mark 2

I am overwhelmed by the wisdom of my ancestors.Of formal education they had little ,of decency they had tons and of honesty their store was immeasurable.My uncle Tommy Mc Cormack told me a short time before he met his maker that he never told a lie in his life.I can remember him setting the broken leg of a new born lamb with splints,scrim and tar so that the lamb might live.(AS the bone grew the tar would expand and allow circulation as opposed to plaster of paris which would not allow expansion).It would never enter their heads to kill any animal if it could be avoided.The expense was irrevelant.
I contrast this with what is unfolding on the world stage where weasel words are used by all sides to justify  barbarism.Secularists stand up please and explain the source of your morality.
Blessed John Paul 23 pray for us.
And my ancestors I did listen to ye when ye lived .Ye had it sussed .The fir breaga are winning.(see earlier post on the subject).WE badly need a new Messiah.

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