Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sanctity of Confession.

The attack of the Government and its allies on the sanctity of confession is nothing more than a smokes screen by anti Catholic liberals to secularise society even more than it already is secularised and to denigrate Catholicism.
Solicitors and Barristers acting in criminal cases are bound by legal and professional privilege not to reveal the secrets of their clients.
Family Law cases are held in camera and the identity of the parties are protected to the extent apparently that the parties cannot be named even in disputes over fees.
State employees bound by the Officials Secret Act can be jailed for breach of confidentiality and must by law keep secret information gleaned by them in the course of their official duties.
Government Departments ,Local Authorities,the Police and the multiplicity of official quangos do not reveal the names of the the many informers on their books. 
Journalists undertake not to reveal their sources.At least one brave man,Kevin O Kelly ,went to jail in an era of strict censorship, tightly applied by a Labour Minister,to uphold this principle.And if I am not mistaken a much renowned newspaper editor torched relevant documents to ptotect the source.
.So called liberal journalists,politicians,reporters and alleged civil rights groups are calling for religious personnel only to  breach confidentially.
Ex members of paramilitary organisations and their political associates do not reveal their secrets.
Government archives are kept secret for many years.The Courts cannot direct disclosure of Cabinet considerations.At least one Presidential candid ate refuses to reveal the contents of letters he wrote on legal advice.
What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
If Catholic confessor are made legally obliged to report the content of confessions,then all the above groups should be similarly treated.
Only Catholics ,alone of the above brief list , will be  victimised if populist politicians and a baying and  compliant media get their way.
Remember the thousand year Reich didn't last more than ten years,its secular successor the E.U .is presently on the ropes,our boys lost economic and arguably political sovereignty after 90 years ,Communism has come and gone,Feminism is on the wane,the great temporal Empires have all bitten the dust ,but the Catholic Church is still standing.
There is no chance that Catholic Church will contemplate breaking the seal of confession,nor should it.
A la ca rte Catholics should get out now and stop calling themselves practising Catholics when politically expedient.

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