Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Debt Forgivness and Writeoff.Chuckle Brothers.

With notable exceptions our professional classes have let us down badly.For example there is a three tier health system,one for the poor (medical card people).one for the slightly better off ( private health insurance and Mater Private) and one for the rich and the super rich (whatever you are having yourself).One can only conclude that greed plays a huge part in the equation.This is all the more disgusting as all theses medics are highly subsidised by the taxpayer in learning their trade.I have long argued that there should be a payback to the populace in the form of say five years service to the State for the average industrial wage before they are free to make their fortune wherever their fancy takes them.
Similarly with the law.The more money you have the more access you have to the legal system and the greater the opportunity you have to seek remedies to defend yourself.Probably a three way system there also,that is FLAC for the practically destitute in civil matters,legal aid for them in criminal matters  and the very brightest advocates in both civil and criminal matters for the rich and the super rich.
With few exceptions judges are drawn from the latter category ,are usually affiliated to political parties and would likely have most empathy for the class of people from which they are drawn.
Even within the profession itself there are,it is argued,localised coteries of favoured practitioners in broad consensus with the judges and gardai ,which resents the appearance of outsiders to the circle.
Teachers beat the crap out of the poorer and less influential pupils right up to the abolition of corporal punishment ,while sucking up to the pupils of the rich,no matter how stupid they were in class.
I personally know of one elderly man of poor background who sat beside another man of rich background at school.The poor pupil was brighter than the rich one and the rich one used copy the poor one's lessons.No problem when the poor man was right but when he was wrong he was always beaten for copying from the rich pupil.He never ratted and took it.Not once did the rich kid have the balls to speak up and tell the truth.
Of course the universities are full of pupils from private schools,whose parents have the money to send them there ,thereby perpetuating the system.Not too many from the techs make it.The odd one perhaps.
The assorted Tribunals into the Gardai,the Planners,the Banks ,the Politicians show that many professionals in these arenas drove a coach and four around the law and all semblances of decency to favour the objects of their benevolence.
It is inconceivable that no one in civil society was aware that some religious were abusing their charges ,considering that they were sent there in the first place by the Court's and that the State was legally charged with their welfare.Some professionals there,weren't there.
As for journalists ,they must have been blind and or cowed for at least half a century.
You can probably get the drift that I am a fierce sceptic of self promoting experts.which the country is full of and which country was never as fecked.
Which is why I am sick to the teeth of academics,professors and economists ,who couldn't foresee the  bust and who promoted the entities responsible for it,pronouncing on the issue of debt write off.
Let me get this.The experts in the Government and the Banks were so inadequate that they bankrupted the banks and sold the country into hock.In the words of the Blues brothers song"you.me everybody is bailing them out and we now own them.We concurrently owe them debts we could never repay even  were we to live to a thousand.So we fund them to persecute us for repayment of money we haven't got because we gave it to them in the first place.Why does the phrase "that fellow is so mean that he owes himself money"come to mind?

And the experts tell us debt write off is a non runner.Yeah it is better that the turkeys emigrate,commit suicide ,break up their families,lose the ability to sleep and lose their homes rather than trust them to pay off what they can and write off the balance and let them live peaceful lives.Risk of "moral hazard  they say.e they don't trust us.
Look before we owned the banks both Charlie Haughey and Garrett Fitzgerald had debts owed to the banks written off.What was good enough for them is good enough for us plebs.Or perhaps we are not worthy.
So the experts say.

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