Monday, May 14, 2012

Heart breaking scum thrive in "New"Ireland.

The amoral spawn of the ill bred lineage of a mongrel sub species of our so called multicultural society continue to thrive and prey on the decent and good in this Parish .
Last Sunday ,while the decent citizenry of the Parish and further afield were enjoying the fruits of the volunteers of the Fair Day extravaganza in Dunderry ,the beneath contempt parasitic low lives that share the same air that we breathe were at the only "work"  they are capable of,that is they were desecrating and robbing the empty house of a decent married man and woman and their three infant children.
They stole their wedding bands rings,the engagement ring ,the children's Christening,Communion and Confirmation bracelets,the cameras,boxes containing saved coins and anything easily carried.They defiled family photographs ,memorial cards and up scuttled every room in the house.
They went through all the drawers in each room,scattering underwear and over wear everywhere,threw mattresses aside and broke the locks on every press and cupboard in the house.
In this instance there were more than the normal amount of locks and clasps on account of the tender years of the children and special circumstances.Everything ruined and violated.
Yep this trash have now a triple to their credit in that they have robbed three generations of the one family within six months,granny ,child and grandchildren.
Welcome to secular Europe where the atheists continue to push for the exclusion of  the morality of religion from our Schools.Yep ,to say "thou shall not steal "in the schools of the secularists will be forbidden  perhaps.
The Gardai were out in force in the Village during the fair.The kindred spirits  of the housethieves were picking a pocket or two.And the Gardai were on the job.They can't be everywhere.
I will bet you this though.In any District Court in Meath next week the bulk of the cases will be public order offences ,speeding offences or other car related offences,all of which are readily detectable.There will be few ,if any ,people caught for theft and such like .
Cut backs you know.
A sure the poor hoors of thieves have no money and know no better and aren't we all feeling the pinch in this recession.God help them.
Yes we are going to institutionalise austerity ,force the emigration of our own,take in all comers from our Europe and whinge when our turn comes.
Time to wake up ,look after our own and tell Europe and its 'philes to go to hell.

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