Sunday, July 22, 2012 finish the job.

Today in Kilbride my daughter Margarita and her husband Phil Kilcooley christened their second child Thomas Daithi Kilcooley.The Christening,by father Hornick,is the latest and most pleasant of a roller coaster of events and emotions experienced by the wider Kilcooley family in the recent past.
A number of months ago Phil's father Tom  was diagnosed with cancer,a form that turned out to be particularly virulent.It resisted all treatment and while the pain was well controlled and he made his peace with his god and his family,there was a considerable emotional toll on his family who minded him at home right to the end.His wife and children were exemplary but ,as I know only too well,this is a most unmerciful disease at times and extracts a huge emotional toll .
Concurrently Mags became pregnant and being Mags embarked on the most recommended of conditioning regimes for those with child.despite scan confirmation that she was carrying only one child she was huge and went into labour 8 weeks before the due date.Thomas Daithi was born to great jubilation,short lived as it transpired as that a gap existed in his digestive facilities.He had to go into Temple Street Hospital for an urgent operation and spent some time there.He is fine now.
If there is an upside to these events it is that the premature birth enabled Tom Senior to cuddle Tom junior,his first grandson, when he was able to appreciate it.
On Wednesday we buried Tom Senior.Today we Christened our grandson.There must be a parable here somewhere,
Tom Senior was over six foot six,as is Phil ,Mag's husband.
Us Stephenses are built close to the ground.T,D, is nearly as long now as I am myself.Bligh has already registered him as a Dunderry GAA  member.Midfield I'd say.He has a rake of cousins of similar age ,male and female.I hope I live to see them on the field of play and support them as I already do with Aisling ,my oldest and first grandchild.
She is Godmother.
With his initials he is a natural for the Dail.Maybe,just maybe he will finish the job I started.,
Le cuineamh De.

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