Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shorthall does not make Fear Breaga list,

 I disagree vehemently with Roisin' Shorthall's proposal to bar advertising by Drink's Companies of  sporting events ,partly on the grounds that it has the potential to reduce sport to the level of the Pub trade,which is now on its knees,but mainly on the basis that the far more serious and fatal problems caused to society by the massive trade in illegal drugs is of  more immediate and urgent concern.
I repeat that nobody is being murdered nor assaulted for the price of a drink nor a fag but murders for drugs and the addictions caused by them are commonplace .
Having said this I can only admire the principled stand that this "Old Labour"lady has taken on the issues dear to her heart and the delay in reforming the Health services.Along with her colleagues Shane Nulty, Tommy Bruen and Willie Penroser  ,she has the courage of her convictions and did the right thing by resigning.Like them she is not on my Fear Breaga list.
It is no surprise to me that her Leader ,who was part of the Workers Party /Democratic Left  rump which morphed so successfully into Labour Party and have  effectively  taken it over ,has  like his former comrade Kathleen Lynch.thrown her to the wolves and chosen to back James Reilly instead.
Think about it.How many of this rump have become either Ministers ,mini Ministers ,Programme Managers etc.since the merger and work out how disproportionate the number is compared to the Old Labour people.
They seem to be in complete control and that is no jiggery pokery.

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