Friday, October 5, 2012

A little love does the trick.

Some time ago I asked for prayer for a number of Parishioners who were under the weather health wise.Some but not all have recovered,about which more anon.
Anyhow one of the persons involved ,a lady,who had to give in and go  to hospital and is the sort of person who would be as comfortable there as a wild hare in a cage ,couldn't sleep at all when she began to recover.Despite every sleeping tablet prescribed she just couldn't enter the land of nod.
One night she informed her fellow patients that in her forty years of marriage she had never slept without her husband at her side and asked that he be brought in to stay by her side to see if she could sleep.
A message was got to him and in he came.He held her by the hand and said "Now,now don't be worrying Dear ,hould me hand and relax there won't be a bother on you.".And she did and was sound  asleep within ten minutes.
Now the accursed stroke that struck me has a number of side effects,one of which is that I cry like a baby when I hear of such wonderful events,
As I write this I am blubbering like a baby,but like to think that even had I never got the stroke I would be likewise touched,
I know that a lot of people in exile read the Blog and ask that they continue to pray for two well known Parishioners who are entering the last furlong in the race of life and for whom the medical profession can offer little than the comfort of a pain free run in to the finishing line.
Living opposite the Church in Dunderry I see from time to time people drop in for a private prayer or whatever.Where ever you are you might do the same if you can or just pray for them where ever you are . 

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