Monday, October 29, 2012

Fashion Show.The epilogue.

I know that a huge amount of work went into organising the Show.I know that the shops involved gave it all they could.It was widely advertised and while a number of other events clashed it was poorly supported.
No fault on the organisers but the position on the ground is that people have very little,if any disposable income.Bar a few ,where both parties have good jobs.
The unemployed and the working poor in this Parish have barely enough for basic necessities .
To even write a cheque induces anxiety in most people as Banks seem to take pleasure in bouncing them,irrespective of the status of the customer and  period of time clocked up.
In theses circumstances I am perturbed about reports that the Club is considering reversing its policy of not paying any of its team managers.To misquote Mickey Rattigan "Are they fu..... mad ?

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