Saturday, October 13, 2012

Straws in the Wind.

The D.I.S.E.i.e. Dunderry Institute of Social Economics or Mise makes  the following predictions on and observations from rural Ireland.
1. The 2012 spend on necessities,that is those staple goods and essential services people need to survive ,will decrease by 6.5 % on comparative 2011 goods and services.
2.The 2012 spend on the next band of goods above necessities will decrease by 20% on the comparative 2011 spend on such goods and services.
3.Given the increased VAT take on such goods and services,and the stealth taxes snuck in all the time ( increased Electricity and Gas charges,a super sneaky 10% increase in toll charges by Leo Varadakar,the continuing extortion of taxes from motorists in the form of VAT,Excise Duties and Carbon Tax,,the immoral and inequitable Property levy ,the Septic Tank charge and the proposed tax on homeowners,the actual amount of goods and services consumed will fall by well over 6% and 20% in reality.
4.If the jigger pokers get their way and reduce the children's allowance most families will fall further into poverty and become reliant on the Vee de Pee.
5.The farming of our people by the political kapos running the Country for the benefit of the Teutons and not for the citizen's, will continue apace because these guys and gals haven't a clue what to do except follow blindly in the footsteps of their immediate predecessors and then blame them for so doing.See my earlier blog on "People Farming."
6.In the last twelve months over 80,000 people have voted with their hearts and feet and left the place,not for the E.U.but Australia and Canada mostly.These are the highest figures since the famine.
7..I feared before the last election that the equivalent of our annual Leaving Cert number was leaving the country and that this was unsustainable.It has gotten even worse.56,000 people sat the Leaving last year.Over 80,000 left.
8.It appears that about 500,000 residents here are not Irish born.Out of a population of about 4,000,000 this is far too high and we are are diluting our Irishness.I would say no other country would allow this to happen.And it will get worse.Anybody who can get to a maternity hospital will see that non Irish mothers are fierce plentiful  compared to our own.
9.Sad to say any Irish parent who is asked by a child currently in Australia or elsewhere ,whether that child should stay there or come home ,is being told not to be foolish and stay abroad.
10.And sadder to say the age profile of those leaving is getting older.In this Parish two further families,husband s,wives and children have quit the supposed riches of farming and emigrated lock,stock and barrel.The parents are in the fifties and sixties.
11.The echo of the jackboots in the open prison inhabited  by those who don't emigrate is getting louder.Lately Joan's Storm troopers have started swooping into the homes of those selected demanding Birth Certificates and Passports.Simultaneously people are being encouraged to spy on and report on their neighbours.Merkel came from such a background in East Germany.WE have our own Statsi groupies right her in Ireland.Be afraid.
!2.We have a Doctor sponsored Bill proposing the penalisation of parents who smoke in front of their own children in a car.And we have a proposal to allow adults other than the parents of children to decide who has the final say in their upbringing and who will rear them "in exceptional circumstances".Can you think of any other regime which banned smoking and where the State took precedence over parents regarding their children? Try the Thousand Year Reich for size.Be very afraid.Its only a matter of time until some control freak,or political appointed judge , decides that children of say drug addicts,smokers and maybe even religious persuasions demonised by the media are considered "exceptionally "unfit to rear their own children and have them seized by the State.
13.I recently read an article in the Sun poking jest at the Irish a la Punch in times gone by.Included in the supposed insightful article was the gem that the Irish had a propensity to put" Catholic" down as their religion in the Census Form when everybody knows this is not true.I'd say the journalist who published this article had done no research on this matter and thinks very little of the Irish if she believes that we would lie on this question only and be entirely truthful on the many other questions in the form.As a Catholic I find it grossly offensive and as an Irishman grossly insulting.Here's another saying that is currently in vogue in the real Ireland and which has application to her reported views-"She is talking through her hole."
14.If there is a lower and more cowardly form of human life in this world than an abortionist I don't know what it is.Certainly torturers,executioners,people who snuff out human life at a whim,persons who who direct the murder of civilians ,men women and children, like say the bombing of major cities and use words such as termination and such to justify murder  and adults who sexually abuse children come close.
But an abortionist just murders a  human with potential that is totally defenceless ,totally innocent and totally dependent on its mother for survival.I would say that any moral woman or girl who underwent such a procedure was imbalanced at the time and would have sympathy with them.But not so for those who enable and execute the children.
It never ceases to amaze me that so many of these enablers and executioners are fellow women.Can anyone explain to me how these enablers and executioners get their jollies from doing this?
I know of no religion that approves of this so these people must be atheists.Be very ,very afraid.
15.Cannot everybody not see that the Euro experiment was a colossal mistake and that it ought to be abandoned forthwith and that austerity is a recipe for disaster and it too ought be terminated.
16.The fact that the Banks were nationalised and that they are now our Banks does not entitle them to do things to people that are immoral and indecent ,even if legal and judicially approved.Remember that our law is the law of the conqueror and was bought in lock.stock and barrel when we secured Independence.It always favours the rich at the expense the poor .And remember also that until the 1960,s the paper of record overwhelmingly employed Protestant staff and that the Independent was until recently headed by a Knight of the Realm.Their coverage was and is  is very much in favour of the monied and powerful.
If we lived to a thousand we could not clear the debts owed and imposed on us.Now is the time for write down and away with the nonsense.
I will have an article shortly on the Quinn's and the religious meanderings of the Articulate and well heeled matrons who never were elected to Office ,but assumed positions of power because of political patronage,and feel free to lecture us ordinary Catholics on our beliefs.

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