Friday, December 14, 2012

Time Catholics toughened up.

I watched a documentary this week about the war in the former Yugoslavia which highlighted the atrocities perpetrated there.Amongst the most horrifying scenes I have ever seen were the beheading of soldiers by their captors,Muslims all.That is the people doing the beheading were Muslims.The fear factor generated by these and similar incidents is what restrains the atheist end agnostic sneers from ridiculing Muslims.
The Catholic tenet of forgiveness and of turning the other cheek is what encourages these cowards to ridicule Catholics at every opportunity.
It is high time that Catholics were more active in standing up for themselves.Time to resurrect the Crusaders perhaps.Certainly militant Muslims have had no problem routing Godless Russian and agnostic Americans and Europeans in Iraq and Afghanistan.The removal of all mention of God from the European constitution and the decrease in the numbers of Christians in England should give pause for thought to all politicians who ponder the future.
Those with no belief in the afterlife have proved no match for those who do believe when it comes to war.Unless Europe wants to be entirely over run by Militant Muslims it is time to convert to Christianity,to stop sneering at Christians and to welcome their presence with open arms.
It is also time for Catholics in particular to stand up for their beliefs.As forcefully as is necessary.
Since the above blog a reader has put to me the fact that Muslims themselves are often subject to atrocities also.He cited the way that the Palestinians are treated by the Jewish State of Israel and the slaughter of innocent women and children in the recent Gaza standoff.Israelis seem to regard Palestinian life as inferior to Jewish life in a proportion of 100 to 5.That is one Israeli life is worth 20 Palestinian lives.
I can find little to disagree with in this viewpoint either.
My basic point is that believers should not sneer at  nor belittle believers of a different hue,nor should the Godless sneer at nor belittle the faith of  believers.In Ireland in particular it seems to me that the printed media and the State broadcaster is top heavy with the Godless who poke fun at and belittle Catholics in particular at every opportunity.
The perpetrators of these barbs should be challenged at every opportunity by the members of the religion concerned .Muslims do take action.It is high time Catholics became more effective also.
On a more general note,I have found that bullies will always pick on those who won't fight back. The ethos of Catholicism is to turn the other cheek.We are therefor prime targets for bullies,from the days of the Roman Arenas to the clever clogs of today.
And most frighteningly of all I recently heard that there are over 1,000 journalists in Dublin alone,each vieing to out do the other in sensationalism.
God help us.

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