Saturday, March 2, 2013

Labour party hatred of rural Ireland surfaces again.

The Labour Party has long since been taken over by clever former university student leaders who never did a day's physical work  in their lives.I would guess that between all of them they would not have the making of one welt or callous.Unlike the Party when actual  labouring families did in fact look to the Party for representation.Both it and Sinn Fein are in competition for the working class vote,according to the conventional wisdom..Although why this should be is a riddle to me.Both are hell bent on the eradication of preborn children if it suits the mother's wishes a.k.a. known as the right to choose.And both boast to understand the needs of working people.
As previously stated I doubt if the leadership of either party have a callous or welt between them.In the years when Labour did represent the working man and woman there were people in it  who did understand the drudgery and hard work necessary to make a lining from a small or medium farm of land.And who also understood that many small and medium  sized farmers were illiterate or had no education beyond primary level.Not that these impediments stopped them from eking out a living by dint of the sweat of their brow,whether here or with Mac Alpine.
Many hundred of thousands of these unfortunates died as chastitutes because they could not afford to have families because of the lack of opportunity caused mainly by the lack of good jobs which an education would advance.
Incidentally many many young men in their thirties who have the paramour but no prospect of a job nor a house are leaving by the new time so that they can marry and settle down in a country that treats them decently.I fear that this age group too will take off to join the twenty to thirty age group so conspicuous by their absence in rural Ireland at any rate.
Both this country's politicians and those of broader EU ought to be ashamed of themselves for negating the population growth of this country which was defying the slow decline and imminent death of most western European countries.See what abortion has done for them.And our very own tomb raiders want to replicate that here, the curse of God on them.
Any how I digress somewhat.
The point is that it seems to me that the out of touch Labour party wants to reinstate drudgery and all that goes with it in rural Ireland by insisting that the  children of small and medium sized farm families should have the asset value of their parents farms worth over 750,00 taken  into account when assessing eligibility for d student grants..
I know that no woman in her right head would marry  a farmer totally  dependant on say a sixty acre farm for a livelihood for the maintenance of themselves and even a small family.This is because the income would be so low that a job as a fast food employee would be greater. And the  income of a teacher or acrchitect is stratospheric by comparison.Quinn and the city based TD's haven't a clue what they are talking about and should try to eke out a living on a fifty or sixty acre  farm before they  further destroy and decimate rural Ireland.Or else talk to some of their small farmer members if they have any left .
But then again the men and women without welts and callouses probably don't even care.  

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