Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tom Mc Gurk talking through his hole.

Tom Mc Gurk talking through his hole

Tonight I listened to the Programme on RTE Radio hosted by a woman called Mc Carville.She is hard to listen to at the best of times.

Tom Mc Gurk,on whom the Aviva ad has to be based, had plenty to say on the banning of sports sponsorship by the drinks companies.

First of all he holds himself out to be an expert on the minutae of running GAA Clubs and providing decent facilities.I don’t know whether he ever was or is involved in running a GAA Club.

I severely doubt it.

If he were he would know that the recession generally has impacted so severely on ordinary clubs that they are barely hanging on by their fingertips.Ravaged by the emigration of their members,by massive youth unemployment ,by a Government cruelly extracting the last penny and more from a battered populace by the plundering of Lotto Funds originally designed for Sport but diverted in many instances to pay the wages of well paid medics and their medical friends ,they are barely subsisting.

While he may be of the view that togging out in the ditches is  be good enough for the GAA Paddies and that the sport of his rugby buddies and that of choice of most of the medics deserves better and even subsidised payment for professionals I can assure him that his condescending view of the proletariat will not find favour in this part of the country.

He hasn’t a clue what life is like outside the cushioned sidewalks of Dublin 4.Pubs in every town and village in the country are suppose to be thronged with youngsters falling around drunk every weekend.

Where e the feck is he talking about.Not where I live.Nobody has the price of a drink,old nor young.The pubs are on their knees and closing down by the new time.Sponsorship from rural pubs .You must be joking.I doubt thety have the wherewithal to pay the electric  bill.

He clearly lives on a different planet than I do and as most of rural Ireland does.And yes it is important that the employment the likes of Guinness gives here be kept here.

Mouthpieces like him and the medical profession will always attract huge salaries even at the expe nse of the poor.

On which subject  the neck of some of these medics never ceases r to amaze me.They have been educated at massive expense to the citizens ,very often emigrate to stuff their pockets with dosh and then  return here to lecture the populace on how stupid they ( the populace) are and how right they( the medics) are.

On the subject of drink they want to put the price of it beyond the reach of the poor.That’s right feck the poor.The medics  and their class will be well able to afford it and of course they will be far more responsible than the yobs beneath them for  whom the hold nothing but contempt.Certainly it works insofar as the fees they charge go,which are beyond the reach of many ordianary people and who many ordinary people don’t trust at all.

These people are so clever that they are self appointed gods and know far better than us mere mortals.

They would want to cop on and stop treating us with contempt.

Lots of them see nothing wrong with publishing the most horrific pictures to scarify kids in a smoking context  and see nothing wrong with murdering the unborn yet cry foul when the abortion lobby are presented with the image of an aborted human beings.

We are not fools and don’t deserve this type of condescending shit.

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