Saturday, August 17, 2013

Egyptian Secularists primarily responsible for their countrymen's deaths.

Those armchair Egyptian secularists ,mostly preaching from  the safety of exiled academia ,who stoked the fires of unrest in their homeland and kickstarted the military coup turning democracy on its head,are personally responsible for each and every death in that Country.
America,the West,the European Union and the United Nations,all cheerleaders for secularism ,by their tacit support for the military there are like tits on a bull,totally useless .
What sort of a world have we got when every decent person knows that military dictatorship is an abhorrence and that the building by Zionists of houses in Palestinian lands is the Jewish equivalent of the plantation of Ireland by the British Empire and not one political leader is prepared to stand up and unequivocally condemn them..
That such wimps occupy positions of  power would drive you to despair.

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