Monday, December 23, 2013

Milk of Human Kindness flows in Navan

With a gammy arm and a pronounced limp from a stroke ,walking is a tricky business for moi.
Today I overdid it.I walked from Cannon Row in Navan  to the Church to attend the funeral of a man who died with dignity at home,cared for to the end by his sisters Helen and Breda and other family members.
Cancer whipped Martin Fennessy,a decent man who suffered the unnatural loss of a son a few years ago.He was dealt a rough hand in the poker game of life but was never heard to complain.The Church was packed to overflowing in tribute to a brave battler who never threw in the towel.He is an uncle of our Aoife.
Afterwards I went to the Revenue Office in Abbey Road and thence to AIB on Kennedy Road.Whence I headed back for Cannon Row ,making two bulky purchases on the way,which were carried in a largish paper bag and were heavy enough.
I have to use the good hand to use my walking stick and had to double up the load on that hand by carrying the bag also.Progress was laboured to say the least.
And the rain fell and the wind blew.Hard.
Crossing through the Credit Union Car Park I was under severe pressure.I was drowned and my faux fur lined Elmer Fudd hat was dripping with rain.I had to use my walking stick as an aid to help me carry the bag by putting the crook in the stick through the handles of the bag and hoisting it on my shoulder ,a bit like a tramp carrying his load on his back.
Then out of the blue a very concerned lady about my own age very sincerely offered me a fiver and suggested I buy a cup of tea for myself.You could have knocked me with a feather.I thanked her kindly and explained that  I was not that poor and gently refused her offering.
I don't know who she is and if she is not an Angel,as I strongly suspect ,thank her from the bottom of my heart.
She is the spirit of Christmas,God bless her.

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