Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Report on 7.30 Christmas Mass in Dundrerry 24/12/2013

It was absolutely freezing outside tonight.The wind would cut you in two and I would say that any lambs born outside would be in deep trouble.It spilled cutting rain ,sleet and some snow at times today but none stuck.It is freezing cold now at 2,30 A,m,
The Church was packed,standing room only.I sat in the side aisle to the right of the nave as you enter the Church.
There is a kind of regular crew that sit in each side aisle each and every weekend and if any regular was missing you would be worried.
Phil Fay always sits or stands in the left side aisle and Molly in the right side aisle,with the width of the Church between them.They are a long long time married and this may be the secret  of their success.
A violinist accompanied by a pianist played during Mass.She was very good.She is  a Czech..
The alter was resplendent with a display of flowers and foliage I have never seen the beat of.
There were 9 alter boys and girls and they did the job with aplomb.
The reading was done by one Sheila and Michael Birds's daughters (shame on me I can't think of her name.).She can speak with passion and total clarity.
Marie Casey can move like greased lightening.I say this because someone forgot to put the sheet with the Prayers of the Faithful out for the Priest and the Reader,.She was out of her seat like a bullet ,hurdled the step into the Sacristy like Arkle at his best and in a blur of pure speed had the sheets in place in less time than the blink of an eye..The Camogie women have a ready made mid fielder.
A huge crowd went to Communion.
Father Hornick does not do long sermons.They are straight to the point.Tonight was no different.
I would have to say that his sermons are a bit longer than those of the late Father Mc Carthy.Prior to the voting date on the Divorce referendum a number of years ago ,which was narrowly carried and on which a long Episcopal letter was supposed to be read at all Masses,he held it up and said "If you believe in the law of God you will vote against it (divorce ),but if you want to suit yourself you will vote for it".
Nuff said.
At the end of Mass the violinist played "Silent Night ".After a faltering start the congregation joined in.I cried copiously.This is because that since my stroke I easily get emotional and cry for no discernible reason.
One thing I did notice is that I do not know two thirds of the people.There are a fierce lot of newcomers in the Parish.
I suppose I should be concentrating on my prayers and not spouting this sort of stuff.
I do it to give anyone from Dunderry in exile a picture of what went down tonight.
 Nollaig Shona duibh.

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