Sunday, July 20, 2014

Shooting fish in a barrell.

Gaza strip is the most densely populated state in the world.It is held in a vice like grip on all sides by the States of Israel and Egypt,which totally controls the ingress and egress of all goods,services and people and has overwhelmimgly superior forces in military ,economic and naval resources.Nearly every nation in the world colluded in snatching the lands of the Palestinians from them after the self same nations mostly stood idly by and let Hitler and his Nazi machine terrorise the world's Jews and murder over six million of them and uproot many millions  more from their homelands and let them resettle in the lands of the Palestinians.
Now the State of Israel is murdering daily the descendants of those Palestinians whose lands they stole.Tens of thousands of bombs are being  dropped  in the most densely populated area of the world.Men,women and children are legitimate fish for shooting in this packed barrel of humanity. The Jews are perpetrating on the Palestinians the same inhumanities that the Germans perpetrates on the Jews  75 years ago.
IN this they are totally unrestrained and have carte blanche from the most useless American President ever, Barrack Obama and his sidekick Hillary Clinton,the ultimate cowards,who operate drones from the full safety of distant enforced bunkers and who have the deaths of millions of innocent Afgans,Iraqies,Palestinians,Pakistanies   and others too numerous to  count on their stained souls.
The United Nations .more interested in persecuting octogenarian nuns at the behest of spoiled elitist girleens privately educated in luxury by nuns actually and trying to enforce the genocide of the most defenceless part of humanity,the unborrn,are like tits on a  bull ,totally useless also and are the emptiest of empty barrels ,fit only for making hollow noises.
They should embark in block to Gaza and live there for the duration of the organised murders and show some modicum of bravery.Not bleeding Leakey.Their most active organ is their tongues.
Obam and Clinton ,having fucked up permanently those spots of the world where they did intervene clearly value certain races over others.
Lives lost over Ukraine are clearly more valuable than those lost o in Gaza.They are greatly exercised in goading European to get tough with Russia.That is they want Europe to go to war with Russia and fuck up Europe like thy fucked up the rest of the world.They can then twiddle with the controls of the distant drones they own ,safe in the knowledge that ,as in all things they interfere in ,they are far enough away to assure safety for their own citizens.
Of course the persecution and murder of the Christians in the quagmire they left in Iraq around Mosul is of no concern to them compared to the optics of squaring up to a bully of equal status in Russia and undoubtedly many Christians will be murdered and they6 will shrug indifference.
And the Times and Irish Independent and the  electronic media will continue to spew it feminist  anti Catholic bias at  very opportunity in order to further undermine Catholicism thereby making more acceptable the murder of their Christian brethern in the mid and far East and worldwide.
The Devil is on the march and he has many disciples.Lest we forget.

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