Sunday, October 5, 2014

Bruron's hailing of Redmond way off the mark

I have listened attentively to the adulation by John Bruton of his hero John Redmond,Nationalist Party M.P,who urged untold thousands of Irish Nationalists to the horrors of trench warfare and near certain death in return for the undelivered promise of the pig in the poke of at best a diluted form of self rule and to the rantings of Kevin Myers against the violence of the heroes of 1916 who evicted the bully compatriots of Myers from the misrule of the Brits who murdered several million native Irish over the centuries and who stood idly by as over a million poor Irish starved during the famine when Myers beloved Empire was at its richest .
I  don't buy into this nonsensical attempt at revisionism at all.
Young Dev.and Michael Mac Doug hall demolished entirely the nonsense being promulgated by these men on a RTE programme lately.
Not that it stopped these two gents continuing to peddle this nonsense.
However a documentary on TG 4 on the Mental Hospitals of Ireland recently threw up a whole new angle on the fall out from the Irish involvement in World Wat  1 and it was this.
The mental Hospitals were overwhelmed by the deluge of returning soldiers who were rotten with syphilis and who took up residence there overstretching the already poorly funded hospitals.
Not only this but work being scarce many many ex soldiers took up employment as nurses in these institutions thereby influencing the sort of military discipline into these homes which was so inappropriate for the non syphilitic inmates and made them the object of such fear amongst the general public.
Now Johnny and Kev put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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