Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tax dodging by the political classes.

One must admire the optimism and innocence of the gentleman in the civil service who sent particulars of alleged tax evasion by the rich and powerful to the Public Accounts Committee in the hope that it would be followed up.
As evidenced by the appointment of Liz O Donnell to the head of the RSA ,it matters not what Party you belong to ,rather what counts is what Club you fit into.
Now the politicians ,the judiciary and the top public servants are all part of the same Club and are locked together in an embrace of mutual entitlement and are like the dancers at Lanigan's ball "You step out and I'll step in again ".
The politicians appoint the judges and the politicians also appoint the top public servants and there is cross pollination inter Se.
And as they are inter dependant on each other there is little doubt that ,without being told to do so they cover each others backs.No need for a nod even ,a wink will  do.
There are so many ways of running investigations into the sand and frustrating right thinking people that this cunning alliance are spoilt for choice.
You move a man here and swap a man there and place a woman yonder and keep at it until you get the person in situ who will do "the right thing ".
And you abolish a section here and appoint a new one there,all in the name of efficiency of course and transfer away supporting staff and heap as much shit as you can on the shoulders of the investigator until he gets the message and just gives up.
Or you bully him/her unmercifully ,break him and destroy him and force him to retire.
And when the guard changes you keep the new heads in the loop with a sneaky and discreet word fingering the man who won't take the soup.
And you go out of your way to reward those who help keep him down.
There is absolutely no chance whatsoever that any meaningful investigation will be undertaken into these allegations.
You can make up the responses with fair accuracy at this early stage even "Fully investigate already ","insufficient evidence found to warrant reopening them ","they are sub judice ""a witch hunt against the dead "" breach of Revenue law to disclosing informal on individual cases ","entitled to the Amnesty "They happened too long ago ".
Take your pick .

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