Monday, April 4, 2016

Caught Rapid

After a hard day the Judge....not Dermot Dempsy I hasten to add......went on the beer hard.He overdid it ,got locked and got sick all over himself.
His driver dropped him off at his home and pulled off pronto as Mrs Judge was an anti drink harridan and more likely than not would blame the driver for leading her husband astray.
Fortunately she was in bed asleep and he found a spare bed and slept it off.
Next morning he was gone at daybreak and headed to Court to avoid her interrogation and muster his excuses.
At 12.30 she rang and asked what the hell happened his clothes of yesterday.
To tell the truth said he this notorious bowsie was before me yesterday ,drunk as a skunk ,at a late sitting and he puked all over me.
He will be back before me this evening and I will give him 6 months.
Wouldn't.t be enough said she .Give him 12 months,He shit in your britches as well.

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