Thursday, May 11, 2017

Killer Ass draws comfort from Human Behaviour

There is this mare ass who runs with a full jack.They do be at it.She was in full blown foal lately and I watched her like a hawk.But just missed the actual birth by about an hour I would guess.
When I came on the scene the foal was in a heap lying on the ground but alive and half licked.I got him to his feet ,all legs and wobbles and put him to his mother's tits.
Utterly devoid of any maternal instinct she proceeded to kick the head offa him.I just got him to safety before she killed him outright.
For 48 hours I kept him alive with warm milk but in the end he was so abused that he just keeled over and died despite my best efforts.
I never saw the likes of it in the animal world.
I had a word with the mare ass and asked what the fuck she was at .
Her reply stunned me.
She said she was a rabid feminist and her own bodily integrity trumped all other rights that related to her body.She was repulsed by the contact of the foals lips to her tender tits and totally felt that the stretching of her precious hide during pregnancy was revolting and her bodily integrity most certainly trumped any rights the unborn foal might have.
Had she the facility to kick the foal to death while in her womb she would have most certainly have done so but sure just a few minutes wait into its birth was just as good from her perspective.
I have named her Justine,Alison ,Kitty ,Vincent,Ivana,Joan,Ruth,Mary Lou,and enrolled her in Lucifer's Arch Bigot's and Odious Usurpers of Religion Party ,Sinn Fein,The Workers Party,People before Profit ,The INDEPENT Alliance,Social Democrats and others who favour the murder of the innocent unborn ,Parties.
Lately the jack is back at it again and even though she is being humped I see her eyeing the Bull."You hardly would "said I.
"None of your business baby.its my body and I'll do as Like to."
Being a ass whisperer is not all its cracked up to be.

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