Sunday, October 22, 2017

Its beginning to make sense.

At a most enjoyable wedding yesterday I  had time to think outside the box for a few minutes and absorb the concealed rage simmering within my breast.
Taking it in age order.
One guy at my table of pension age had over half his siblings living for decades in England ,some of them having died there.
Another guy of similar age had two sons living in the States and one in Sas.The States guys were working for another bloke from the Parish and they had recently  been joined by another young lad from this Parish.UP to ten guys from this Parish socializes regularly in that part of the States .
I myself  have IRISH relations under 35 living in France,Australia and Canada.
Over 100  yeas ago 8 of my grandfather's siblings emigrated to the States never to return.
During the wedding announcements congratulatory notices were read from as far away as California,Boston ,Dubai and Australia.
One wedding guest lives in Scotland ,as does her sister.Both are under 30.
A common theme running through our conversations was the living hell being experienced by relations of people needing serious heart surgery and their inability to get to the top of the huge queues and the fear that the sick would die before their turn for operations came.
I conclude that one generation of politicians is as bad as the other and that little has changed in real terms over the years.
Membership of the EU has not changed a thing and I don't see why people are so fired up about Brexit or remaining.
As far as I can see it makes no difference whether The Brits of the Europeans pull our strings.
We still are served the same shit.
Only The clowns running the circus change .The circus remains the same.
Possibly the only way to change things for the better is to do to politicians what an uncle of mine wanted to do to referees and that is to shoot a random one every Sunday.
It mightn't be fair but would surely sharpen up the rest

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