Wednesday, January 16, 2019

A modern Miracle.

On 15th August 1996 an elderly Eucharist minister let the Host fall on the ground whilst giving out a Church in Buenos Aires.As it was dirty he asked the Priest to pick it up,which the Priest did and placed it in a recepticle with water in it and put it in the Tabernicle to dissolve it.
He checked it out a week later but instead of dissolving it had grown in size and was covered in red splotches.
In short order the red splotches increased and multiplied until it looked like a piece of flesh.
A sample was taken by a Lab. in the City ,where red blood cells,white  blood cells and haemoglobin were identified  and were found to be moving and beating.
Three years latera a  scientist named Dr Richard Gomez was asked to perform a more robust examination and sent a sample to a New York Lab., not disclosing what it was.
They diagnosed it a a living human heart muscle.
In 2004 a Doctor named Frederick Zugibe ,whose speciality was identifying the cause of death from an examination of a sample of the heart muscle of a deceased ,examined a sample of the matter involve and wothout knowing whence it came ,concluded that the person had been tortured to death.
He was acutely perplexed as to how the sample ,apparently from a dead person ,had cells that were curently moving and beating.
As they say in Mass "This is my Body and this is my Blood".

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