Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Dunderry 0-1 Corona Virus 0-0

In these days when the welcome message to Hell is all pervasive viz"Abandon Hope alll ye who enter here"and the long jaws of the all knowing medics and even more knowing longer jaws of depressive politicans and servile commentators dominate the airwaves ,it is delightful to be able to report a good news story from Dunderry.
The news is that Tom Feeney ,who is 86 years old and has been ill for some time ,has taken on and beaten the virus and has been lert out of hospital today.
The Drumbeat has known for some time that Tom had the virus but at the request of his family had decided not to publish it.
Now that he has beaten the virus I  am delighted to publish this good news story regarding the scion of a family who have not had much good luck prior to the present.
Good man Tom.

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