Monday, April 27, 2020

Dunderry and the Virus.

A grandson of mine who is about 4 had explained to him that when you blow away the propellers on a Dandellion you can make a wish.
The very next moment as he blew away the propellers he was heard to wish"I wish that the virus would go away".
Recently I  congratulated Tom Feeney on returning home after beating the virus at 86 years of age,long before the other  media organs made a song and dance about it.
Fair play to them,written and radio, for their lazy journalism.
It is now a fact that others of similar vintage in the Parish have tested positive for the virus.
This has happened to people who live in as remote an area as exists in rural Ireland and to people who go literally no where outside their immediate environs.
One thing they seem to have in common is that they have visited  hospital for other conditions.
This leads me to the suspicion that like MRSA ,they may have picked up the virus in their visits there.
This may explain why ordinary people are loath to go to hospitals for non virus complaints.
It is time the authorities came clean on this issue.
By the way I  don't believe a word that comes out of the mouths of the Chinese on this issue.It is strange that SARS too eminated there.
What is going on there and is every Government save the Yanks afraid to speak out .
Trump of course is derided by the useless pinkos who dominate oir written,oral and medical fields.
It is high time that these medical experts ,many of whom delight in the continuing murder of the living unborn,stopped spoofing and addressed the core issue by producing a cure.
This blog will make as big a fuss of each and every Parishioner who beats the virus as it did of Tom Feeney  and we hope that all have as good an outcome.
That a four year old should be so distressed is in itself distressing and the continuing bad news being broadcast each minute and  hour should be more balanced.

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