Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anti Catholic Rhetoric deeply insulting

I think I am a practising Catholic but I am confused.I think I belong to the Roman Catholic Church but I am confused.I am certain I am a sinner and I am absolutely certain that I am no holy Joe.I do believe in the God that all Catholics believe in,am certain that there is an afterlife and believe that the Pope is God’s representative on earth.

It is said that there are no atheists on the battlefields when death is raining down.I know that when death waved the bent finger to call me to the sidelines from the field of  life , I said a perfect act of contrition to Jesus Christ and I prayed to Him.Not to any politician,judge ,administrator nor wise ass bar room philosopher..When I temporarily escaped the ultimate certainty that I still must face I was glad to have a priest anoint me.I have been to confessions many times.I believe in the Sacraments.I believe that I was spared death for a reason.I would say that the reason was not to take cheap shots at the followers of Jesus Christ.
Now the politicians who left  Navan Hospital and many like it bereft of decent 24/7 X ray services and clot busting medication until 2010 and who I would say are responsible for any number of unnecessary deaths and disabilities  and who enslaved a once proud nation for at least the next thirty years  are lecturing to God’s representative on earth on how to run His Church,and belittling Sacraments that are an integral part and core value of Catholic belief.

All the political parties are joining in the witch hunt,cheered on by an antagonistic media and hysterical anti Catholic commentators  who are rejoicing in getting another chance to stick the boot in.And unless my ears are deceiving me the head man in the priest’s union is himself aligning his union to these attacks.Not only this but the Archbishop of Dublin is being quoted by Government Ministers as being on the same side as the belittlers.

Who am I to advise a Bishop.Yes apologise for wrongdoings perpetrated by some Catholics,.But have the balls to stand up for  the faith and the faithful.Bishop,those who have only contempt for Catholicism quote you approvingly in their objective of persecuting your flock.You are the media darling.So were  Bishop Comiskey and Father Cleary and Bishop Casey in their day.Look media commentators , journalists and editors will do anything to sell papers and gutless politicians say anything to further their own objectives.

It is left to David Quinn to stand up for ordinary Catholics.For his troubles I heard him belittled  thrice on a on a t.v. show ,with an all female cast ,with no attempt at gonad balance never mind at objective balance,and one of whose contributors rejoiced at the presence of Jews and atheists in the Dail ,the obvious  implication being that they were better than Catholics.
Is there no Catholic Priest out there  fit to stand up and say that it is absurd for these mob leaders to tar all Catholics with the one brush and to insist that this anti Catholic rhetoric be stopped immediately.

I never thought I’d see the day when Paisley.,Kenny, ,Martin,Sinn Fein ,Labour  et all would be singing from the same hymn sheet and when a member of the Church of Ireland feels free to pronounce that new generation Catholics are only interested in religion  for births ,deaths and marriages.The last time they were so united was when they belittled us by having a second vote on the Lisbon treaty to prove what gobshites we were to reject the first one and to suck up to our good friends in Europe .Fat lot of good that did us.We will be in hock to them for generations and will be farmed like cattle for their benefit,with our political classes more political kapos  than defenders of their electorate.

As an aside I never saw a man as uncomfortable in the Dail when caught beside the Taoiseach in full flow as Shane Mc Entee was during the speech.He couldn’t get off camera quick enough.Fair dues to him.Either that or he was in a bad way to go to the jacks.

I have a solution by the way.Ireland can contact the Chineses (there are probably enough old contacts in Government circles still open and they have huge experience in suppressing religion in Nepal) ) who have an official Catholic church there under State control, for advice on how to start up an official Church of Ireland .”Practising Catholics” who resent the Popes leadership can join up.They  can make it mandatory for whatever aspects of Confession they want to be reported to the Police.And Sinead O Connor can resume her Bishopric.She has suitable form,having trashed a picture of the Pope on American t.v. Now this has been done before and assets sequestered .But the new Church of Ireland can be differentiated by the insertion of the word Catholic along with the rest of the title.

In the meantime those of us who are not a la carte Catholics will continue to honour the  laws of God as best our human frailty allows.We will continue to support the many church gate collections we contribute to and pray for guidance,for the survivsal of our family and friends through the financial turbulence wrought on us by nanny state Caesars ,who increase their own powers exponentially , and a happy death when the time comes .

I am sorely tempted to do as a man I knew did, that is to say the Rosary at the belittlers ,not for them, but will pray to resist this temptation.

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