Wednesday, August 10, 2011

English Riots

In its haste to prove to the world that it is a post colonial multi cultural agressively secular society ,where for example it is illegal for Catholics to wear ornamental crosses to work or for a medic to offer to pray for a patient ,where rampant feminism is de rigeur ,the nuclear family is regarded as a quaint concept and the killing of perfectly functioning preborn human beings by medics is commonplace,how has it transpired that so many citizens hate society so much that they are trying to wreck it.
If an African or Arab leader made a speech authorising the sort of action against its own citizens that the English P.M. made today,how long would it be before NATO ,the UN  and whatever you are having yourself would be employed in encouraging regime change.
What is happening there should give those who belittle religion here pause for thought.And those who push secularism here should be shown the door.
England and indeed the E.U. should put its own house in order before telling others how to behave.
Decent English people must be agast at developments there and my heart goes out to them.

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