Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Eve

One thing I have picked up on from the antics of the bank that won't say its name i.e.Anglo Irish,is that when it is not making a show of the Country drawing the World's attention to its past failures ,the depths to which its current employees will plunge in gathering information in pursuit of what appears to be vengeance by the bank  is bottomless.One such employee admitted candidly that he perused GAA websites and blogs to gather information on matters of concern to his masters.
So the authors of such blogs ougth be aware that there are those of sly design perusing their publications for self serving and selfish reasons to gather harmful information on people of goodwill towards the objectives of the blogs.
I would be fairly certain that Government Departments ,State agencies and Employers are also in on the act.So from now on you will have to use your imaginations .
One thing is clear.The health and prohibition Taliban have driven enjoyment and the craic underground.House parties ,away from the prying eyes of the nosey Parker's ,whose puritanical bullying is loathsome and orchestrated by medics whose cohorts see nothing wrong in taking the rings from live people and demanding cash up front before treating people with terminal illness,have become the norm.You can have a drink and smoke there without feeling that you are a leper.
No doubt these shameless bullies will be looking for authority to raid your own houses to impose their wills on ye before long.
And why wouldn't they.Ye are fools enough to pay for their education at the expense of your emigrant children ,allow them then to go where they want to make their fortune and if they stay here charge ye 60 up front for five minutes.Most people I know can't afford a doctor .There are honorable exceptions who cover up for the excess of their mercenary colleagues of course.
And there is no chance of changing this approach because the Dail is full of them.Just like their teacher colleagues.All these people know better than you and because you will come up with a ton for them when your back is to the wall they figure that a tenner for twenty fags is fine.
Anyhow they have emptied the pubs of Ireland and are consolidating the new class of smuggling criminal who can source fags at half the shop price.Well done lads and Micheal an Caice in particular take a bow.
Against this background I ventured out to Nance last eve.A house party took away most of the very decent clientele well before the stroke of midnight.All young and many returned home for the Christmas.The eagle was on the music front and excelled,with the more mature patrons,few in number ,making the best of the night with a karakoey session.Prize for everyone in the audience.Mo.her bro,the cat,and jo gave it  diddy.We had twosomes threesomes and foursomes ,singing I hasten to add .And we hugged and kisses and Pep cried ,three sons away.And the Cavan man has only one son of seven at home and another family has only the ma,daddy and three gone .
Yep the Taliban is doing its job,Pubs emptying by the new time.Kill the joy.Take the jewellery first though.Happy new year.

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