Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another witch hunt against Catholic Cardinal.

I know of no animal that abuses its young and cannot even comprehend how any human being can abuse children and I think it an abomination.Nevertheless there must be some objective and fair comment relating to the current controversy surrounding Cardinal  Brady as a result of
the BBC programme on certain matters.
The head of Barnardo's charity has  rubbished  the actions of the leader of the Catholic Church in Ireland.Because he himself was seemingly abused as a youth ,as he has stated publicity,does not make him any more qualified than a non abused person to objectively judge the actions of Cardinal Brady  at the time.Nor is  the lady who was similarly abused and  is wheeled out regularly by the media  any more qualified to make an objective judgement than anyone who wasn't abused.
In fact it could be argued that they are less capable of being objective because of their past experiences.
I spent thirty years in the civil service and that organisation has within it a hierarchy similar to every other bureaucracy whereby decisions are made at specified levels within the organisation.I imagine that newspapers,the police ,the DPP ,the Courts , every political party and RTE are precisely the same.
Certainly Barnardos and the organisation the critical lady leads are prime examples of these structures  as Fergus Finlay and she , and they alone, are wheeled out when important matters are in the limelight.Not the note takers nor those lower in status than the decision makers .
You might as well blame the note taker in court for the inaction or wrong decision of the judge with responsibility for the decision as to try and blame Cardinal Brady for the subsequent failure of the decision maker in this case ,a dead bishop ,who is not here to defend himself ,for his failure to act.
Now if there is proof that Cardinal Brady knew then that the Bishop did s.f.a with the information so assiduously presented to the Bishop by the then Father  Brady, then he would have a case to answer.
There is no evidence that there is such evidence and if Fergus Finlay or anyone else has such evidence let them produce it.
Now the attempted destruction of the character of Father Reynolds by the promulgation of a blatant lie by the State Broadcaster has been discussed in a number of forums on the airwaves.Any programme I have seen inevitably has the view impliedly  presented by anti Catholic panellists that even if this did happen it was somehow  understandable in the context of proved abuse by other religious.
I am not saying that either Fergus Finlay or the lady referred to above have these views ,but do feel that many who are antagonistic to religion are using this as a form of payback because their journalistic colleagues were caught out in the Father Reynolds case.

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