Thursday, May 3, 2012

Anti Catholic Posse sticking boot in.

Those bitterly opposed to Catholicism are having a field day and clamoring to stick the boot in at every opportunity.The atheist wing of Labour of course leads the posse and is using the situation to soften up the populace for the suppression of Catholicism by legislating against the inviolability of confession and for  the inculcation of atheism in schools,despite the wishes of the parents,who are the primary educators of their children.If these people get their way they will supplant parents as the primary educators of their children and implement a secular ethos to replace the ethos of choice of their parents.
This has already started with the proposal to criminalise parents for smoking in their cars with children aboard and the proposal to dehumanise smokers is not at all dissimilar to the initial dehumanising of religions in Hitlers Germany.
As I predicted some time ago the attacks on Churches have already begun with the theft of religious objects increasingly common and at least one Priest was blatantly lied about by the State broadcaster.Atheist journalists,anti Catholic publishers and a small group of  so called experts get inordinate and unfair air time to present a biased and inaccurate slant on matters relating to Catholicism.
Despite their best efforts they must be raging that the overwhelming religion of the population remains Catholicism,as stated in the recent census returns.Expect the politicos to ratchet up the anti Catholic rhetoric in the coming days to cloak their own shortcomings and divert attention from their beytrayal of ordinary people.
I worry whether  people who are in positions of responsibility for so overwhelming a Catholic populace and who are so violently anti Catholic are capable of objectively and fairly  executing their duties.
Certainly at times like these the masks slip off and the hatred of all things Catholic shines through.

These priests and other purported Catholics who have issues with the rules of their vocation  would want to make their minds up and stop sending mixed messages to the laity.All they are achieving is the weakening of the Catholic religion and in so doing are handing ready made ammunition to the opponents of my religion.You would imagine that they would be preparing for resistance to the breaking of the confessional seal rather than finding fault with their co-religionists.
As I said before nearly all their concerns can be addressed by joining the Church of Ireland or forming a Church of Ireland mark 2.
It really amuses me to hear the heads of the political parties and assorted politicians, including those who term themselves  practicing Catholics and particularly those who have changed the colours of their political skins in chameleon fashion as the circumstances suited their ambitions,,moralising on the Bishop,s purported lack of  action when they themselves  have succeeded in placing 450,000 people on the dole,forcing 70,000 people to emigrate each year,surrendered our economic independence after less than 100 years,driven the suicide rate to unprecedented heights and set up secular processes which ,when subject to tribunal scrutiny ,were found to be utterly corrupt in their decisions and by the members of their own parties
The Cardinal broke no law.
Yes these are the boys to give lectures.
That Fianna Fail and Fine Gael are singing from the same hymn sheet is no surprise.As the Vincent Brown Show debate on the latest referendum shows  they are indistinguishable and they really should merge and be done with it.
 Martin Mc Guinness and Sinn Fein have long been in conflict with the Catholic Church for the minds and hearts of the Catholic population in the North ,so it is no surprise that he should join the posse. And the SD.L.P had to follow suit to get on the band wagon.
Both he and the ex-official Sinn Fein members of Cabinet would want to clear their minds on the issues of reporting criminality .What they want to do now is consider whether the same reasoning they used in relation to the Cardinal can be used against them if they have knowledge of crimes in the past,or if they omitted to report possible crime to the police,even if they reported it to their superiors..And remember the Cardinal committed no crime.
And indeed the members of all the other parties may have knowledge of corrupt behaviour during their lifetimes by former colleagues.Do the decent thing now and go to the Gardai,even if they reported these matters to their political bosses and they failed to act on them.
And the leaders of both parties in Government have a golden opportunity now to release all serving and retired civil and public servants from their oaths of secrecy and allow them to make public all past actions of politicians and others which may smell of criminality,even if they reported them upwards and didn't check if appropriate action was taken.
They can set the example we need and abolish the 30 years secrecy rule  on state papers and publish the contents of cabinet meetings in the immediate aftermath of them taking place.
Transparency all round I say.
I will not be holding my breath.
One set of standardfs for Catholics and another far less rigorous set for everybody else.What else is new?

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