Monday, November 19, 2012

Sinn Fein loses soul

I have always had the height of respect for those Sinn Feiners who defended their own people when they were being murdered left ,right and centre by the forces of the Empire while simultaneously the Southern Irish State did in fact stand idly by.Institutional discrimination was rampant and just like what is happening to Gaza today ,where children are being murdered in a ghetto from which there is no escape,the United Nations and the United States wrung its hands but did Nada to help for decades.
It takes a very brave man to die by starvation in pursuit of his political beliefs.Such a man is infinitely more courageous than say,a man who remotely but in real time orders the murder of an unarmed man without due process.
Unlike the herd,lead by a totally biased RTE ,its agenda driven reporters , its groupies and out of control print media,I admire what they did in securing the peace.
This respect has totally dissipated with their jumping on the bandwagon with the Socialists ,pro choice lobbyists and Catholic haters trying to commandeer the limelight and doing their best to paint Ireland as a backwards hick country where pregnant  women are routinely murdered because of our properly restrictive practices that provides the optimum safety for mothers and children..
It is not backwards to value the  lives of humans above those of cattle.
In England where abortion is freely available on demand and where some medics  presign letters authorising the abortion of women they have never even seen, the comparative rates of maternal death in childbirth are :-

London.19.3 per 100,000
Rest of England 8.6 per 100,000
Ireland 6 per 100,000.
Why Sinn Fein and its fellow travellers on this issue would want to worsen the chances of Maternal death in Ireland  to that in England is beyond me.
I would say that every preborn child in the womb shivers in fright when these pro choicers pass within an asses gallop.
I can see now how the Marie Stop es murder machines  set up in Northern Ireland without a murmur from Sinn Fein.
The Catholic position which as I understand it,ethically approves the preservation of the life of the mother over the child ,when there is no chance of preserving the lives of both is the correct one.And one which I believe has application here in practise.
Kenny is right in this instance and the ethical equivalent to internment without trial by Sinn Fein is a sell out.
I hope Peadar Toibin has the courage of his convictions and stands his ground..

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