Thursday, November 22, 2012

Womb Raiders and O Higgins behaving disgracefully.

I heard the Prime Time interview with the Indian man whose wife died in Galway a few weeks ago.
I heard Vincent Brown on the issue two nights on the run.
I heard that woman from Waterford saying that inhumane practices were in place in Irish maternity hospitals .
I heard a RTE describing the current practices carried out in Irish hospitals as barbaric.
I heard Caoimin O Caolain saying that the Taoiseach himself should  appeal to the Indian man to co-operate with the tribunal as it is set up currently.
I heard the President of this country criticise the Government of this country from his jaunt to England.Does this man,who got the job because of the easy ride the National Broadcaster gave him,think he is Taoiseach or more importantly Tanaiste.Did he have Government permission to speak out like this .He is supposed to be above politics and he surely knows this,He is not supposed to take sides in matters political and he has enough advisers to know this.Or does he consider himself primarily the leader of "Spiritual "Ireland (read atheist for spiritual) first and President second?
Does he feel entitled as President,which is mainly a titular role ,to mouth off on whatever topic takes his fancy .Will he be called to heel .The Attorney is from the same neck of the woods as he is.Maybe ho could spirit his way there and suss out the limitations on his office and learn,difficult though it may be for him ,to keep his mouth shut.
I am no fan of the Government but I do think that the President should not be criticising them,especially when on State business.
I heard Vincent Brown sneer at an anti abortion guest on his programme that he was only "Sucking up "when he offered  his condolences to the Indian man and his family.
Only the pro life man was insulted in this way.Any pro abortion guests ,with whom he is so blatantly in sync, were not so insulted.This does not surprise me.This is the same Brown who wrote an Irish Times article saying that the Catholics Church was the repository of nearly all evil.The same Brown who I heard spitting out the word "sheep" to describe Catholics on his show.The old adage "What do you expect from a pig but a grunt"springs to mind.
Any man who loses his wife deserves sympathy.And remember we have only this man's side of the story.His main complaint was that he was not Catholic nor Irish and didn't want to be treated under Irish law,even though he was in Ireland.According to his mother she wants Hindu law to apply in Ireland.
Now let me get this straight.This man and his wife is one of about a half million people living here who was not born here.Nobody forced them to come here to live or work.One presumes they left India  to come here because they would have a better life here perhaps.Or make more money.Or avail of the far superior services available here than in India.Certalnly they and great jobs at a time when 80,000 of our own people are emigrating annually and when 15% of the population is on the dole.
Now this idea that people who are permitted to live here should not have Irish law   applied to them  is novel one .
There are over 100 different nationalities living here.On this logic we should  deal with the different nationalities according to the laws of the countries they left.I know of no country that does it.Do you?And if they love the laws of their homelands so much why come here in the first place.
Many Irish people would say that the reason we have so many foreign nationals here is because we are a handy touch and that our liberals think more of the guests than their own.
By the way,did you ever wonder why visiting is so restricted in Irish maternity hospitals.The real reason,and don't mind the plamas,is that when certain guest non nationals were in giving birth,and Ireland is a much desired destination for this purpose,that the husbands and children used come in and share breakfast ,dinner and tea and take full advantage of the  heat.The restrict visiting resulting discommodes everybody.
Now the rush to judgement that inhumane and barbaric practices are indulged in Irish Maternity hospitals must stick in the craw of every midwife and,doctor in the country.These dedicated ,kind and committed staff deserve far better than to be accused of working at and implementing barbaric and inhumane practices.Their accusers ought be ashamed of themselves,but there again its OK to sneer at your own.You get a cheap headline and you cannot be accused of racism.

For the record the rates of maternal deaths in hospitals are.
Ireland 6 in 100,000
England's 8.6 in 100,000
London 19.3 in 100,000
India 496 in 100,000.
It is estimated that 6.5 million people are aborted each year in India.
Id say there is no queue to enter Indian hospitals to give birth .Wouldn't you?
I'd say we have it right.Now the man said that he was fighting the fight for all women.Charity begins at home.
We have a sad history of emigration.I have never heard of our people going abroad and demanding that the host country should change its laws to suit us.I'd  say now that any  Irishman,illegally  in America ,that tried it on would be immediately shackled in chains ,jailed and have the keys thrown away.Or any other country worth its salt.
It is amazing therefor to have people who should know better pandering so cringingly to this man,bending over backwards to accommodate his every whim, and going so far as to demand that the Taoiseach personally beg him to co operate.Get a bleeding grip,would ya.We threw off the chains of subservience years ago and don't have to apologise to anyone for existing.
One thing you can be sure of and it is if this happened to an Irish person and it does,here wouldst be a word about it.
Of course the Womb Raiders got first call on this couples man's misfortune  and have milked it to the limit and gleefully and maliciously blackened the name of Ireland in the selfish pursuit of their long term strategy of abortion on demand.
Missing in this debate has been any mention of the rights of the preborn humans plucked from the uterii of the womb raiders.This is because they are dead. Relegated to the sidelines.And the womb raiders want the absolute right to kill any future preborns without any legal  consequence.This is what pro choice means..
And as for the misfortunate staff in the hospital who were involved.Their names are so sullied that they have absolutely no chance of ever getting fair play.
And lastly,theses pro choicers seem to have all accents bar an Irish one and names that are strange to our,heritage,or so it seems to me.
Yep we good enough to live amongst but really ought to change to their ways for our own good.Sound familiar.Or maybe I'm talking to the wrong experts as was so arrogantly put.

begins at home.

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