Friday, November 9, 2012

Why I am voting no in referrendum.

It has long been my contention that we are living in an open prison for this last decade and that the present Government and its groupies are increasingly trying to mould and shape us into a compliant and docile imitation of the former East Germany ,where individual rights were suppressed and where the State ,through the encouragement of informers .regulated all aspects of behaviour.The State's version was the only one ,free speech and open debate were stifled,inordinate power was given to Government agents ,religion was suppressed and derided,atheists and their ilk ruled the roost and the governing elite governed for the benefit of another power,the USSR.
The parallels with our present society is striking.
The Government are merely Kapos for the EU and the Troika.It represents their interests not ours.
We are lied to all the time.Remember the false promises about the plenitude of jobs if we voted for Lisbon .And remember we handed over more and more sovereignty to Europe at the urgings of the politicians and their fellow travellers.
Remember the pre election Pat Kenny debate when all the leaders promised to abolish evictions.
Remember the pre election promises locally from members of the existing government parties representatives to save Navan Hospital and how people got elected on that pledge.
Guess what .There is another rally tomorrow .Some word these people have.
Anybody who had been at the receiving end of action from the multiplicity of quangos and State sponsored agents who have unlimited power to interfere with you life or business will know only too well that unless you have the resources to employ the very best of legal people you have no chance of fair play.
Around here all the males I know who died by their own hand were self employed.This is hardly a coincidence.
The ultimate display of arrogance was perpetuated by Fianna Fail,the Greens and the remnants of the Progressive Democrats who unilaterally placed on the shoulders of the people of this country the debts of the supposedly regulated banks .These parties put us back forty years.
And the present crew have put us back another 20 so far.Tweedledum and Tweed dee is right .You step out and ill step in again is right.And I must say this .Any spokesman of any of the parties could step into any of the other parties and you would notice no difference.
Which is why they all agree on the yes argument on the referendum.
But the arrogance and derision the yes side have for their opponents is really sickening.And is not confined to the referendum.
First we have the so called practising catholic Taoiseach the aetheist Tanaiste breaking off relationships with the Vatican.Not enough money they said,But they still find enough money to grant aid the Orange Order ,a wholly sectarian lay organisation which has suppressed Catholics since it was founded .Has anybody counted the number of deaths it is responsible for.
Just yesterday we had the politically appointed ex judge Catherine Mac Guinness belittling those opposed to her as scare mongers and Conservative Catholics.And this is not the first anti CAtholic rhetoric she indulged in.On the day of the Hurling ALL Ireland final she had another go on the Marion Fiinnucane radio show where she belittled the going ons of Catholics after Mass.Her compatriot Sam Smyth backed her up,expressing the view that because Ronan Mullen ,a Catholic Senator backed the referendum, it clearly didn't go far enough.Whatever that means.Could it mean that Conservative Catholics should have their children taken away at birth.
With these condescending views towards their obvious opponents it is hardly surprising the there was civil war in the North for so many years.Not everybody took the soup ya know.
Hugh O Flaherty is presumably as well qualified to pronounce on these matters as she is.Is he too a scaremonger and conservative catholic and anyhow what is wrong with being a conservative Catholic;.
He says that there is absolutely no need for constitutional change.I believe him.
Now the derision that the present government parties have for ordinary people is all embracing.Let me put it this way.
At the very moment that the Japanese were bombing Pearl Harbour,their U.S,.ambassador was plamasing his counterparts that all was well.WE know the results.
At the very moment that the Quinns were going to Dublin for talks at the invitation of Anglo .Anglo;s appointees were on the way to take over the Quinn's businesses without their knowledge.See the parallel.Didn't they learn well.
Which probably explains why an Aussie was appointed the head honcho in Anglo.But there again the Chair is an ex f.g leader Dukes.
Now one should go back and see who the board of management of all the banks were prior to the balloon busting.You will see your fair share of ex political leaders and favoured civil servants.
Anyhow Brian Hayes has stated that anybody supporting the Quinns are either blind or misguided.This condescending and derisory statement smacks of arrogance and ignorance .Its a wonder that he didn't lend his expertise  to his government colleagues and tell them  that wasting over a million in unfairly favouring one side over the other was unfair and illegal.And he with the power and money of the State and all the legal experts at his disposal.Blind and misguided is right.
Some would call it cheating.
Now the sneaky and underhand way that the Government and all the parties have arranged it that your wage packet can be attacked for taxes th\at have nothing to do with employment ,e.g. property charges and whatever you are having yourself, shows a mentality that must have studied closely the tactics of the Japanese on pearl Harbour day.
All creatures need shelter and sustenance to survive,These kapos have attacked both.WE have people sleeping on the streets going hungry.If you did it to an animal you would be jailed.

The derision n the politicians display towards the populace is mirrored in the attitude of the yes side in the debates on the issue.Not once have I heard the yea side allow the no side to make their point uninterrupted.They constantly cut across them,threat them as idiots and assume the superiority that every ignorant demagogue displays towards his opponents.
In this the print media and electronic bask them up.This is no surprise as there wasn,t a peep out of their journalistic ancestors  when thousands s of children were wrested from their homes by judges on the reports of state agencies and charities like those now advocating a yes vote.
Let me get this right.This amendment is supported by charities concerned with children whose corporate ancestors were primary responsible for putting children into State care by state judges  and never looking into their welfare afterwards.They would have you believe that it was the fault of the parents because they had primary rights over the children,Now they want to remove these rights from parents in exceptional cases,which is not defined.Both they and judges will define what is an exceptional case.A stranger will decide what is best for the child.
And a politicians pledge on what is exceptional is worth Nada.Has no legal effect whatsoever.None.
Thea real agenda here is that these people are trying to promote culturally changes and using kids as cannon fodder.I heard  Fergus Finlay say that cultural change towards the way we treat our children is desirable.Well Fergus ,my siblings and I,my parents ,their parents ,my kids and my grand kids  were and  are brought up in loving families  as were thousands of million other Irish families over the millenia.I don't need knowalls like you deriding our rearing.And I certainly do not want to be like you and your cohorts and have your notion of cultural values shoved down my throat.
I firmly do believe that the parents are the natural and final arbiters regarding their children and I don,t trust the State nor any well paid charity head to decide what an exceptional circumstance is and take the place of the parents.
Given the track record of the Stare and judges and so called charities ,where after all this time,these matters are treated in secret away from the public eye I wouldn't trust them with the care of a hen,much less a human child,
History is on my side,.One decent judge ,by making unannounced visits has discovered major abuses of c children in state care in St.Pats.Yes the State does value children,.My arse/,And the State was so concerned about children in its care that it kept no centralised records of how many died prematurely in recent times.Well over a hundred if memory serves me.Yep great job done there.

Finally I look around me at kids I know taken  into State the last decade.They emerged from the process different people all right.Far worse and mentally and physically scarred for the worst for life.
A resounding no for me.

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