Thursday, May 2, 2013

Start of Summer ?

The last 6 months have been an unmitigated disaster weather wise and from a farming perspective.Fusty hay and poor silage were the order of the day,with a few a few notable exceptions.It was cold wet and miserable.Our cattle just aren't able for six months of pure misery and the death rates of both cattle and sheep were well up on last year.Farmers are using edible straw mixed with molasses and fierce expensive nuts to sustain life at the moment.Many haven't the price of fertilizer.
Despite the farming community being broke this merciless Government is proceeding apace with the inequitable Local Property Tax and the levy of the carbon tax on briquettes and turf.They will kill off  farming in the same way that retailing ,the pub trade and manufacturing is dying  if they don't take their fingers out of their holes soon.
How soon till the first human death from Ocras or exposure in Ireland ?
I did however notice that the cowslips ,wild primroses and dandelions are beginning to peek through on the roadsides.
Would the Lord be good enough to come to our rescue ?Do we as a nation deserve his mercy ?Will He send a summer of plenty.Or will he despair at the hysterical clamour to allow the killing of the most defenceless of his unborn flock.
We pray He shows more mercy than we do.

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