Saturday, March 29, 2014

Within a half mile.

Within a half mile of where I stand in rural Ireland are thirteen houses.
Two houses are abandoned and falling down.The local authority is anxious to see this happen.
In one house lives a bachelor pensioner.He cannot live on his  pension and so works on for very little despite bad health.
In another house lives a mature married couple.Of their five  children two have emigrated because of lack of employment.They will not be back.
In the next house live a married couple with one child.
In the next house live a married couple with two in family.One has emigrated because of lack of employment.
Two houses are near completion but finalisation is held up because state banks will not lend to enable completion.
One house is set because the owners live in the city where employment is available more readily than here.
In another house live a married couple ,parents of three mature children .Two of the three have long since emigrated and made their homes in their adopted countries.None have any intention of returning.
In another house live a married couple.Of their two mature children one has moved abroad and married there.This child will not return as equivalent work is not available here.
In another house of two parents and three children ,one  parent and the entire three children have emigrated.I would wager that the three children will not return to live here permanently.
In another house live a working married couple  of mature years who are totally bamboozled by the unending stream of bureaucratic regulations foisted on them daily by a multiplicity of state agencies.
In another house live a married couple in their twenties with two children who will have to work into their eighties to repay what they borrowed for their house.
There is no public transport of any kind available in the area,
There is no PostOffice nor Garda station in the area.
Between the smoking ban and excessive drink driving laws the local pub is  on its knees and on the very odd occasion when anyone has money they are afraid to drive for a drink and drive home.
All these households were billed for Local property tax.
Theft and burglary is common in the area.
These people live in fear on a daily basis.
Fine Gael Labour ,Fianna Fall the P.D.s and the Greens implemented policies that are responsible for this situation .
Remember that when you  vote.

1 comment:

  1. Since I wrote this the local Church has been desecrated and the parish hall vandaklised at the dead of night.
