Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Underhand RTE Bias towards "Yes" side this last week.

I listened last night to the debate on RTE Radio 1 concerning the upcoming referendum on the redefinition of the family chaired by a lassie called Shanley,I think it is spelled .On the "Yes" side you had a Scot and a Royalist .The Scot was a nasty bit of stuff who used the most derogatory terms to describe his opponents making inter alia a bitchy reference to the sister in law of a lady on the "no  side ,whoever the sister is I don't know. .
But it is the blatant bias of the presenter that  most upset me. .She continually interrupted the "no " side and challenged them far more than the "yes " side to whom she gave a free and uninterrupted ride ,even allowing the last word to the "yes" side.
But this is what I have come to expect from RTE whose behaviour on this and similar issues in recent times can at best be described as defiantly and aggressively unbalanced  all the time awaiting a chance by the presenters and programmers to let their personal prejudices shine through..
Now I have a grand young cow.I also have a stock bull who makes this cow and  her comrades very happy and fruitful.And it is necessary that I know the daddy and mammy of each calf for a multiplicity of reasons.Certainly every calf knows its mother from the moment of birth and every cow would die for its calf and every calf looks to its mother for protection ,milk and sustenance.
Naturally had I no bull or a homobovine l bull  I would be out of business fairly quickly unless I impregnated the cows by artificial insemination.
Certainly  cows of a queer nature would be no good  to me at all.
Now I am not using this analogy to describe my views on the proposed redefinition of the family.
But this very fine cow had a most perfect calf three weeks ago and both she and I minded it like a newborn baby.She adored it no more than myself.
Then as a result of a freak accident the calf died.She was bursting with milk and I bought a suck calf from a dairy man to alleviate the  pressure on her elder.
Well talk about turning Turk.She has turned into a bovine assassin intent on killing the substitute.I have to stand over her to make her allow the calf to suckle her and as soon as I turn my back she lines the calf up for assassination.Neither shouts,threats nor copious amounts of nuts will deter her from this irrational hatred.
Now I feed the cow ,sustain her and give her a good life.I would rather she acknowledged and desist from this behaviour.
Now most of the RTE reporters and programmers are like this.
Through my licence fee I support and maintain and suckle them.They know they are supposed to give equal balance to each side in the forthcoming referendum but like the cow  as soon as your back is turned they turn assassins against the "no "side.
Ray Darcy ,who has before this outlined publicly his dislike for Catholicism on the airwaves ,never misses to take a nasty potshot against the Catholic Church ,who are on the" "no" side.
Successively this last week he he had a suspended Priest called Flannery on his show and gave him full licence to reinforce his personal prejudice's  against the true Church  .And boy did Flannery oblige.Falnnery is stridently against all the laws of the Church including the definition of the family as a core unit involving a  father and mother.( one must ask which of his male father or female mother let him down ).Of course Flannery got full opportunity to trash Catholicism and full encouragement from the biased presenter.
Then we had wee Daniel ,who was raised by his mother solely as his father died when he was young and who opined that not having a father he could remember and whose influence he could gauge ,he didn't give a damn who raised a child and that as far as he was concerned a father's input was clearly superfluous.(This is my interpretation of what he said not his precise words.)
Of course Darcy egged out of him his intention  to vote "yes".
After whining for a while about the necessity to show balance he cold called someone from the Iona institute to gave an opposing view,a person who made it clear that he hadn't even heard the interview.
Now during the night RTE radio replays highlights of  the previous day's programmes .would you believe it if I told you that the Yes arguments were rebroadcast but not a word about the no side's.
See the simulator to the assassin cow.
And yet again he did his level best to get an American woman who was adopted from here years ago to condemn those who put her up for adoption and Irisher society in general,even ignorantly talking over her daughter in the process.You could hear the disappointment in his voice when she said the opposite.
Now the RTE programmers were more subtle but just as underhand.
Knowing full well that the Christian Churches are on the no Side they did all they could to discredit the Catholic Church.
This ranged from a rebroadcast of the Simpsons lauding homosexuality and sneering at Christian values,to rebroadcasting a programme presented by a guy called Sixsmith into the adoption through nuns,who were only people with the charity to take in unwanted children at the time,and have them adopted by mostly loving American families.
Now this bollix Sixsmith did his best to get everyone he encountered to condemn the Catholic ethos and State action in the matter.
Now a fella called Banville, a homosexual I believe,,who I believe is a writer of some sort and who is rabidly oppose to Catholicism agreed with him as did another guy called Milotte I think.I don't know much about Milotte but will research further.
Sixsmith managed to trace four of these children,all of whom had a sad story to tell.six out of sixty thousand.Now that is objective reporting for you ,is n't it.
And even at that some of the six were clearly not the full shilling and one poor mother was kept by the same nuns they were  dissing for 35 years .
He tried to make out that it was a simple thing in those bygone years for prospective adoptive parents to flitter back and forth from the States to inspect children  and enlisted the aid of a state employee to
try and make this  point.
Ten of my granduncles emigrated there  after the turn of the century and none ever had the fare to return even for a short visit.
The programmes assertion on this point is pure nonsense unless the people involved were all millionaires.
I  suppose that a near neighbour State  solution to unwanted preganacies ,i.e.murder the babies when alive in the mother's wombs ,would be more up the programme maker's alley.
And this bollix went as far back as 1925 in his determination to d sneer at Irish society .
Maybe he should cast t his mind back slightly further to the 1850's when the Irish didn'tcontrol their destiny and there was a systematic genocide over maybe two million people under the Union.
Anyhow this shit was broadcast in this sensitive time.
Followed by that middle class programme of a guy Called Demott Bannon refurbishing houses of the well off.And guess whose house was refurbished and whose loving relationship was on full display.
Yes you have it ,Catherine Zappone .fi ull lesbian and "Yes " vote activist and spokesperson.
My cow is only in the halpenny place.

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