Thursday, August 27, 2015

The pillage and sack of Churchtown

Dot and Vincie or Vincie and Dot are 47 years together this year.Married for 47 years that is.Never
a night apart.Correction.She took bad a few years ago and was confined to Navan Hospital.She couldn't sleep .At all.Nothing worked .Sleeping pills had as much effect as smarties.She missed Vincie too much.Vincie himself hasn't slept for more than a half hour a day for over 40 years.The medics can't cure him nor explain how he keeps going.But he does,
And common sense eventually prevailed in the Hospital.A clever nurse called Vincie at nighttime and he held her hand and HE hushed her to sleep and off she dozed.
They have four kids Ellen Garry,Johnnie,Teresa and Hammer and grand kids aplenty,
They are senior pensioners now .Dot has had severe health problems this past six years.She is still awaiting resolution of her problems and some decent run at a fair quality of life.Doctors have come and doctors have gone as she is passed from one to another.
She was confined to her house day and night because of her condition  this last year but left it for one hour only last evening,about more of which anon.
Herself and Vincie are lifelong Pioneers and lifelong supporters of Dunderry GAA Club ,Camogie Club and most social organisation in the Parish,
I am not perfect at anything ,sums especially ,but would be fairly sure that the extended family collected upwards of a quarter million euros for the Club LOTTO this last decade..
Put simply there would be no GAA facilities in Dunderry but for them.They put in the hard hours and the time.
 It must be to the shame of some people who hide behind their electronic  gates and ignore their bell rings so as to avoid contributing the weekly E.2.00 Lotto, while concurrently sending their offspring to avail of Club facilities.
When the bingo was a big deal and great fundraiser here she was a huge supporter and there was no better man than Vincie to supervise the car parking and greet the exiting hordes with a catchphrase that ran"Any luck with the Bingo Mam "in an accent unique to him.
Of course the anti smoking Taliban and their political allies put an end to these outings for every auld wan and auld fella whose only pleasure in life was a game of bingo and a smoke by the anti smoking ban, transforming them into social outcasts akin to homeless refugees trying to get a gasp of a fag in the freezing rain and often bitter cold outside the halls,
I had the great pleasure of interviewing Mickey ,Vince's bachelor uncle on video in 2008 as I wished to record some of the Club history before men and women of his era disappeared altogether.
Well into his eighties at that stage it was clear he hadn't long to live.In fact he died three weeks after the interview.A lifelong smoker he was brainwashed into quitting them at that age despite the fact that he loved them so much that he asked for a smell of my tobacco pack.
What a pity it is that the same medical professionals aren't as prompt in treating seriously sick elderly patients  as they are in harranging them about smoking or the growing list of other pet hates that emerge.
Any how the point is that they minded Mickey at home until he died ,treating him like a King,concurrently minding a clatter of adoring grand kids so as their own kids could earn a living during working hours.
I wouldn't know the financial situation of the Rhattigans BUT  would surmise the they have no material wealth of any significance.Vincie was prior to retirement a road operative with Meath Council and Dot a full time housewife and minder of her children and now her grandchildren.Llike my own wife and millions of others her contribution to society when it comes  to pension provision is regarded as unworthy of entitlement unless she can prove she is practically a pauper,
Yep in the land where the writs of the bull dikes , the rabid feminists and the Jesus haters run wild , where the  Taoiseach on  who watch eviction has become common place and who has the temerity to lecture God's representative on earth, the mother who raises her children at home has the same statutory pension status as a dog .
But one thing I am sure of is that it was for  this family the  words decent ,noble ,caring,exemplary and truly Christian were  coined.
They have more nature in the nails of their little fingers than most have in entire bodies,
As I said earlier for one hour yesterday they left the house empty to see two of their grand daughters off to their Debs,
In that hour an unspeakable scumbag or bags broke into their humble house,stole every cent they could find and every valuable ,totally ransacked each and every room ,throwing valuable documentation like birth certs and such like all over the place,flittering all sort of underwear and over ware wheresoever they could find space ,emptying every wardrobe and press in the  house and turned beds and all the furniture they could lift head over heels.
I did not thinks it possible that this sort of hack could be wreaked in one hour,but seeing is believing.
To say they are devastate is an understatement.They are understandably wrecked at this dastardly invasion of privacy and wanton destruction.
I do know that the wider community owes them a huge debt of gratitude and strongly feel that anything that can be done to bring the perpetrators to justice should be done without compunction.
I personally feel that it is payback time to this family in the most appropriate manner acceptable to them.
Combined with the targeting of the graveyard for the theft of flowerpots the arrival of the post Christian multicultural Society so beloved of  the lefties and their ilk has come to Dunderry big time.
God help us.No one else will.
I know that the Rattigans would kill me for writing this but so in awe of their innate decency is mise that I HAD TO PUT PEN TO PAPER.
Nothing was recoverd and the thieves wore gloves.
As per fucking usual.
And to update the matter the thieves later threw on the roadside the more valueless trinkets for recovery and have not and will not be caught.They live in total fear and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the Insurance Coimpany having seisin of the cover are doing their best to minimise their exposure.THIS IS WHAT THESE COMPANIES DO TO THOSE IT CAN BULLY INTO SUBMISSION IN POST CHRISTIAN MULTICULTURAL IRELAND WHERE THE CRONES WITH THE MOANS MISRULE . 

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