Monday, February 13, 2017

Zappone lives in parallel universe.

Today I heard Zappone saying a number  of things in relation to the malfunctioning agency called Taulsa she heads up and for whose actions she is responsible .

A.She had directed the destruction of electronic records relating to the false branding of Mauce Mc Cabe as a child molester.
B.She was setting up an investigation into the operation of Tulsa which is clearly unfit for purpose and worse.

Now it appears irrefutable that shredding of electronic records which may be needed in inquiries to come to follow the sequence of events and who did what is as stupid an action as it is possible  to do.
Just look at the furore being caused at the prosecution of Fitzpatrick by the Corporate AFFAIRS PEOPLE where documents were deliberately shredded.
C,She said the secrecy in withholding information about the false sexual allegations against Mc Cabe was the reason she didn't tell her Cabinet colleagues about them and that she wished to limit the circulation of these rumours.
She sure did succeed in this didn't she.
Is there anyone anywhere who doesn't know about them


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