Monday, March 6, 2017

Circle of hate at it again.

Having pissed on the grave of  Cardinal  Connell by their pointed absence from his funeral the political establishment ,led by a  Taoiseach who according to ex Minister Shatter has only a passing connection with the truth, and who is in a Cabinet some of whose members invent conversations which never took place ,are again lining up to denigrate the Catholic Church ovr the discovery of human remains in the grounds of a mother and child home in Tuam,Co.Galway,led d by the charm free zone called Burton.
This is the Burton who led the Labour Party into near oblivion in the last election and who has a huge chip on her shoulder because her mother gave her up for adoption and whose parents chose not to keep her as a baby it seems.
She and her ilk want to retrospectively blame the Christian Churches for giving succour and shelter to expectant mothers and babies whose own parents and families didn't want them and want apologies and compensation for the acts of compassion and charity which was shown to them.
Of course the Labour Party which she has led to the brink of extinction is around since the time of James Connolly and was in existence  at the times when  these burials took place and indeed was in Government for part of the time  and had undisputed legal and moral control over all matters legal in the State .
Neither they nor any other of the political parties lifted a finger to help these people so the political hand wringing now is pure hypocrisy.
We can see from the repeated rape of a mentally challenged lady while in secular and State custody these last decades,some of which time the Labour Party was again in Government ,that heinous crimes are inflicted on the innocent on the sole watch of the Secularists.
She might start by apologizing for the woeful inadequacy of her own Party in this regard and offering compensation from Labour Party assets for the wrongs committed during their watch in the Dail.
As indeed might Enda Kenny.
As far as I know my own people did no wrong to people in unfortunate circumstances over the centuries ,in fact they only did good and ENDA kENNY HAS NO RIGHT TO APOLOGISE ON BEHALF OF MY PEOPLE NOR INDEED MILLIONS OF OTHERS FOR WRONGS INFLICTED BY A NEGLECTFUL STATE WHEN HIS PARTY WAS IN POWER.
It doesn't wash with me.

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