Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Media and Democrats are Russia's best friends.

If it is true that the USA and Russia are vieing for the hearts ans souls of the rest of the world and it probably is ,then the constant attempts of certain sections of the USA media ,the defeated and ungracious Democrats and a dysfunctional E.U.to undermine the democratically elected President of the USA must be sweet music to Putin and indeed the Chinese.
They are doing the jobs of Putin et al by frustrating the President and his Government in making the USA ungovernable.
In my view all Putin has to do is sit back and let these seditious traitors bring down the President and sink America into civil war,which appears to be their aim.
I have never been anywhere much but better travelled people than me have informed me  that New York and indeed London might as well be anywhere at all in the world as the majority of the immigrant inhabitants haven't a patriotic bone in their bodies and aside from turning a quick buck have no loyalty at all to America and BRITAIN.
It is no surprise therefor that the sneering and condescension towards  those who voted for Brexit and Trump are based in these unpatriotic bastions of selfishness and greed.
A few turns of military duty in Afghanistan and anywhere in the Middle East would do them no harm at all to these whinging know alls and they might find the opportunity to meet a few Cossacks up front and personal informative and educational.
Instead of pissing on the Country that gave them succour they should support it.
Of course the ludraman Blue Shirt Taoiseach and his acolytes who has presided over mass emigration and unprecedented homelessness has seen fit to lecture the God's man on earth and stigmatize all our ancestors for the sort of society we were and are.
I m proud of my ancestors and the sort of people they were and are.
The little they had they shared with the less fortunate,often going hungry themselves and wherever they dipped their wick they paid for the oil.They put nobody into institutions nor wre they cruel to others.
A number of them took on the might of the Empire so as we could decide our own futures as a sovereign Nation.
If thy thought that Blueshirt ludraman Kenny was going to sneer at the sort of society they fought and died for was to be vilified by this ignorant excuse for a man I doubt they would have bothered.
How dare he besmirch their memory and lives.

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