Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Jack lynch's cowardice now in full public view.

 The re examination of the full facts now in full public view shows that Captain James Kelly,John Kelly ,Captain Heffernan ,Charlie Haughey ,Niall Blaneyet ,Kevin Boland et al,were truthful in their assertions that The Lynch Government decided to import arms for the benefit of the the besieged Northern Catholics in 1969/1970 and that the attempts to prosecute them in 1970 was vile and  ill intended.

Luckily the jury didn't buy into that narrative and Haughey,Blaney  and the two Kellys were acquitted in what appears to have been a a  rigged trial..

The question that has to be asked now is whether Lynch and his co conspirators bear responsibility ,not only for ruining the lives of the Kellys and the three politicians in question but whether they bear ultimate responsibility h for all of the deaths and mayhem which followed in the North,South and Britian.

I knew John Kelly .He lived in Blanch and used drink in Davies PUB.His wife worked in Blanch Hospital and kept the show on the road.

He often told me that he was unemployable down here as if he even got a sniff of a job his  pursuers use warn off any potential employers .

He often told me that his residence was turned over on a regular basis by the Gardai and that even the drawers of his daughter was rifled in this process.

He also told me that he used dig a hole in his back garden and put a mix of cement inyto it at regular intervals to make this harrassment difficult for those turning over his property.

I can remember Charlie Cullen a Cavan man runnuing for the Council for Aontacht Eireann ,Kevin Boland's Party.in Blanch.My deceased Brother Robert canvassed for him.He didn't get on very well...Charlie was a decent guy and helped ,unasked, to put bitumen on the roof of a prefab I  was building.He too had little work.

I  thought that John Kelly was a decent man and so was Kevin Boland.

I never met Charlie Hasughey but think strongly he may have played a huge part in removing me from a particular job in the 1980's.

Other Politicians of the era I knew were Brian Lenihan ,who was ac decent man and Liam LAwlor who sponsored footballs for Brigids GAA Club.

Later I witnessed Garrett Fitzgerald holding court in a Brigid's tent --hired initially to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of Michael  Cleary --and a procession of Civil Servants paying homage to the incoming Taoiseach. at the Clubhouse.

Now we must  reput the question of whose pedigree was questionable.Garret's da e xecuted untried Republican prisoners  and we must ask whether Liam Cosgrove was a patsy for the Brits and what responsibility he and his Party bears for the 30 year war in this Island.

It seems that many of the top players in this period of National turmoil were around Blanch

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