Friday, September 11, 2020

The gooose step grows louder.

 The goose step was feared by free Europeans and Russians and such States as Hitlers Nazis neared to conquer them.I  consider the present Government a Government of geese and a gander,so it is no wonder that I  shouild associate them with the goose step.

After hearing on the Radio today that the parents of small children must hold them down in order to get probed for presence of the virus and that they are greatly distressed by this invasion of their bodily integrity there is no doubt but that the jackboots are fast approaching all of us.

The excuse for journalistic investigation that we have today justifiably entitles me to label them in mass "The how high will I  jump brigade of the Government "as that is what they say when a public health doctor or a Government member announces the latest punishment to be inflicted on the citizens.

It is indicative of the peurile journalism we have that the question the journalist pose regarding the hurting of the children by the parents was whether the kids in the queue could be protected from the racket of those being tested by insulating the noise being made by some process..

Similar to being barred from the approach road to abortion clinics,I'D SAY.

Soon those older citizens who refuse voluntarily to get tested will be dragged off protesting and screaming or being jailed for refusing the test.

For some time now I  have been very cynical of the appeal of those in power for  social solidarity in combatting the virus.In effect this is a device to blame all of us for being born and to make us feel guilty if the virus comes into our communities and throw the blame in our direction.

Of course this divertts the blame away from themselves. 

They talk of th Meitheal process of long ago and appeal for that in advertisements spoken with flat Offally accents instead of the Anglo accents mostly used by themelves in order to bring us to heel.

I  discussed this with the Emerus Professor of medical ethics and bullshitting at Tullaghanstown  University and he concluded that this talk of Meitheal means that the Medics and Ministers will continue to draw their full salaries and expect the other suckers to pay theose salaries even though they have nada,at the same time encouraging their medical coolleagues to continue to abort the living unborn children of born humans.

They reckon that the more they abort the less  humans they will have to spread the virus.

The same principles will pave the way to isolate the very elderly and push them aside and once accepted will be applied progressively down the age scales.

This is not fanciful .Ask ypourself how many medics have been brought to account over the tsunami of deaths in the nursing homes and ask yourself would you go to one willingly.

Already spectators are barred ,without rational reason,from supporting their Parish teams by attending matches.

This is pushing the boat out to fracture social cohesion .whereupon they can introduce swhatever draconian measures thy want..

It is no coincidence that the Garda Commissioner wants all citizens to inform on their neighbours and that Government spokes people and "how high"journalists  always profess their love of Gaelic Games ,when you know full well that thety never went to a GAA Match in their lives.

These people should remember the atrocities perpetrated behind closed doors in the past,atrocities their medical and political ancestors  failed  to see, even though present all of the time.

Of course aside from physical totrure ,isolation is the greatest mental punishment that can be inflicted on prisoners ,yet these Masters of the Universe inflict it on the old and the sick and the fearful.

They want to destroy Religious practises also without rational.basis.This has to do with supression of potential unrest rather than rational medical practice.

All these things are to break the spirit of the populace so that hope is lost and whatever rules and laws they  want can be introduced ,protecting always the health and wealth of themselves and their families .

Pubs and restaurants are being used as experimental locations and testing grounds for new and oppressive Garda powers to bully and intimidate.If they get away with this in these locations it is only a small step further to see these powers being extended into private homes.

Basically they don't trust the ordinary people and are trying to bully them into line.

It is nothing new that there are many supporters of dictatorship in the country.Why do you think that a few thousand invaders controlled our Country for years.Their decendants live on and adore those at the top. 

Instead of bullying and terrifying people the authorities should form a task force comprised of ordinary non political and non professional persons of all age and socio econimic groups and let them determine the fight against the virus.

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