Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Takes a Dub .to tell it like it is.

 Yesterday on the Claire Byrne Radie show we had the usual reportage of a middle class reporter interviewing some women outside Pennies after shopping there.

Unlike the usual guff that those approached said it was refreshing ti  hear a working class Dub .give it straight out when asked what she thought of being placed in level 5 of the pandemic scale.

"A load of shite "she said.."Leaving playgrounds open for kids to play in when they leave school and spread it to the elderly and others is not on .".

As Pennies is in Dublin Central and as it has the highest rate of the Virus in the Country and as she likely lives there she would know.

This evasive nonsense spouted by the Public Health people that the rate of virus in the schools is lower than in thr general population and that the transmission is from the general population into the schools seems to me to be nonsense..

Kids surely carry it home.

I  am not picking on kids but the truth must come out.

The virus is breaking out more and more in Schools,I can say this with certainty but will not name the schools..

Of course blaming families for havig families and for being born effectively and enacting legislation similar to the Penal Laws to lessen further the money they need to survive by imposing fines is only what you would ez xpect from Legislators who voted to enact legislation which  in 2019 saw 6,666 human beings murdered/abortered  by medics in our hospitals and elsewhere..

These people would want to check themselves for the mark of the Beast ,which is 666 and try and redeem their souls before it is too late for them.

Instead of bragging that they have the most restrictive laws in Europe they all should apologise for their hostile acdivities towards  ordinary decent people ,born and unborn, and rssile from family hatred and attempted breakup of fanmily ties and cancel the updaded Penal Laws proposed.

There is a Higher Judge that all must meet eventually and even at this late stage they should stop God,s annoyance with their activities ,seek his forgiveness and treat the populace with kindness and understanding instead of fear and guilt.

In stead they are abandonong Hope for all of us.

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